Monday, 28 January 2019

Cranes at Rest(ish)

Monday 28 January

Lots of photographs taken last Tuesday on my visit to Laguna Dulce where we found the large flock of Cranes Grus grus.  The previous Saturday there had been as many as 1000 feeding on the fields behind the laguna whereas on this occasion there were, perhaps, only about 4 to 500 and they seemed to be settling down on flooded fields behind the main road opposite the water.  As always, there was the odd family to be found in the neighbouring area but we did get quite close to a spread flock of about forty as we made our way back to Fuente de Piedra so a few closer shot.  It certainly meant that you could see the red foreheads of the adults and the brown-like hue of their offspring.

Our lad's already bigger than both of us!

Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

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