Tuesday 31 March 2020

31 March 2020

Yet again, I am delighted to receive a local bird report from one of our readers back in the UK but, sadly, no name attached so I shall have to refer to his, or her, report as the "Anonymous Birder."  But, nevertheless, I am most grateful for your contribution which I can now share with our fellow readers, many of whom are unable to get "out and about" as the lock down restrictions in Spain are more severe.  Looking at your descriptions and birds seen I have a sneaking feeling that you may be from the coastal area of Lincolnshire or, perhaps, even over onto Norfolk.  No doubt somebody will correct me.
A Morning Walk by the Anonymous Birder: 30 March

Soon after I got out of bed this morning I just knew that I desperately needed some rigorous exercise. Too old to take up running or jogging but I can walk quite swiftly so, with bits and pieces first to do, it was 8:50 BST before I got out of the house hoping that on the way I might just see the odd bird species.

The wind had dropped considerably from that on Sunday however, with the air temperature at about 5C and low cloud, I was hopefully appropriately dressed.  As for birds it did remind me at times of
"Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the boidies is?"

Sounds like I am complaining, however as I can  get out and about for exercise once a day, even though the birds are not as numerous as I would like, I should count my blessings.

(I certainly would not want to be in Brooklyn currently.  I understand the full version of the above "poetry" is their unofficial anthem!)

Robin  Erithacus rubecula (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
Destination, again, the large quarry, and the first part of my exercise by main road is accomplishes in 20 minutes at near enough 4mph which had me feeling much better, as did seeing my first Lapwing for a week, on its own in looping flight over a field adjacent to the road.  Of course, there were other species on the way including Blue Tit, Great Tit, Greenfinch, House Sparrow, Blackbird, Jackdaw, Crow, Robin, Dunock, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, a couple of Canada Geese languishing in a field and a couple of Greylag Geese flying above me who were going exactly my way but much, much faster .

Off the main road where I had a few days ago seen winter thrush, the field had now been worked to a fine tilth ready to be seeded, which as they were absent might not now be to the thrushes liking.  A male Pheasant was in that field, a Kestrel sat on a power line but too distant for me to determine its sex, and on the opposite field a couple of Crow flew over.  A Song Thrush was putting out its utterance more distantly.  Surely I am not the only one who thinks this species urgently needs singing lessons, but who am I to judge as my preference it to be " over" before, not after, the fat lady sings!

The path here was wide so that when I came to the only person sharing my way throughout my walk, one man and his dog (but no sheep), we were able to pass at twice the recommended distance.  I carefully crossed over 2 styles, without touching anything with my hands, and no fall from grace.

I was now approaching the quarry and heard, then saw, my first Chiffchaff of the several I was to come across, some of whom were "chiffing," with the added start of what I call the rusty gate sound, and some of which were just calling “wheat”.  A male Chaffinch was singing its heart out from the top of a small tree and a Wren from a less elevated position.

Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
The quarry was not overrun with birds a handful of Mallard, more (3)Tufted Duck, 2 Cormorant, a Great –crested Grebe, 2 male Shoveler, 15 Black-headed Gull, a Lesser Black-backed Gull that over flew, and as a proof that absence makes the heart grow fonder, I enjoyed hearing those Coot that were busying themselves around the water.  A Skylark was singing flying laterally.  Later I was to view a lark ascending.

Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
About turn and started making my way home, a Pied Wagtail makes its undulating flight (to Chiswick?), I see a noisy Magpie and soon find 2 quiet Long-tailed Tit.  It then starts to rain, not much more than nuisance rain, but cold rain that’s not, I’m sure, enjoyed my many (no not Culrain which I am sure is a lovely place), so back to a small wooded area that provides shelter from the wind and rain.  When I think that it has stopped I set of home again then back I come to the wood’s shelter. I take out of rucksack my warm hat, my waterproof trousers and once donned I am ready for anything but hang around a little longer but I am soon on my way.  I pick up on 3 Herring Gulls flying in the opposite direction to my travel.

Before reaching the main road I put my bins away (we don’t want anyone misunderstanding why I am out and about do we), and then immediately see 20, 30 perhaps a 100,not Starlings, but winter thrushes and I am thinking Redwing. They disappear into some distant trees but then 3 return and these from flight and tail length are Fieldfare.

Bits of rain on my way home but best, of course, nobody where I ‘m walking.  Just before getting home the sun comes out.  Drat!  However, I was only in the house a couple of minutes and it's back to rain, but much harder than anything earlier so I’ve done very well, and 30 + species.  I’m just a whinge!

Birds recorded:
Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Mallard, Shoveler, Tufted Duck, Pheasant, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Kestrel, Coot, Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Sky Lark, Pied Wagtail, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Song Thrush, Chiffchaff , Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Magpie, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch.

Check out the accompanying website at http://www.birdingaxarquia.weebly.com for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Sunday 29 March 2020

Garden Birdwatching

Red Kite Milvus milvus
29 March 2020

Unable to get out and about?  Restricted to birding from your back yard?  Well, in the first place to have the opportunity of either would be better than my situation in Spain; no back garden, just a small terrace at the front overlooking a pathway, and no dog to walk so unable to leave the house and a dog would have at least given me the opportunity to exercise for an hundred metres or so, including a walk along the paseo at Algarrobo Costa. But not to worry as I can still enjoy the experiences of others.

Late morning today I received a lovely email from my daughter-in-law back in the UK.  Caroline lives in a large, recently completed, large house down a narrow lane with large trees to the back and open fields to the front in relatively nearby Thatcham, Berkshire.  having set the scene now read Caroline's informative and illuminating birding experience below as seen from the back window.  If Caroline can enthuse and share her experience then I am more than sure that the must be many others still able to experience the changing seasons watching our feathered neighbours.  And I notice no mention in Caroline's latest experience of the visiting Pheasants and occasional deer.  (The added photos are from my personal collection.)

A View from the Garden

I hope you are staying well in Spain. I thought that you might be interested in some vicarious bird watching so this is what I’ve seen from Ashdown Cottage windows.

The Red Kite, which Chris and I saw land by the bonfire site in the front garden, returned and collected a large twig, so that is what it was after, not prey.  After the stormy weather there are a lot of dry twigs scattered everywhere.  Red kites do look very impressive close up!

Red Kite Milvus milvus
A few days later there was another commotion in the bushes in the front garden and a Magpie emerged, struggling with a twig which must have been two feet long.  I then discovered where it was building its nest.  It is in the back garden, at the top what I think is a birch tree, in a clump of ivy.  I now see the Magpies going backwards and forwards regularly, working on improvements to their nest.  I’m not sure that having Magpies in the garden is particularly good news though because they predate other birds’ nests don’t they?  I did also see a Jay in the garden, another predator, but this was chased off by one of the Magpies!  Jays, Magpies and an abundance of (Grey) Squirrels, our garden might not be the best place for nesting!

Magpie Pica pica
There are various members of the tit family flitting about in the higher branches but I haven’t seen any Long-tailed Tits, sadly.  I have seen two species of woodpecker though.  Great Spotted (another predator!) on the ancient apple tree in the back garden and a Green Woodpecker on an ash tree in the front.  I have heard the Green Woodpecker regularly but only seen it once.

Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocpos major
At dusk we have seen flocks of black birds, possibly Rooks? They circle the house in large groups very rapidly. We call them the teenagers because they seem just like a big gang getting a last flight in before bedtime!  There is a large rookery about half a mile away so perhaps they come from there. Is this typical rook behaviour?

Rook Corvus frugilegus
Are there birds to observe from your place in Spain? I hope you and Jenny are keeping well in these strange times. 

Jay Garrulus glandarius

Thank you very much Caroline and in answer to your questions,yes, this is very much typical Rook behaviour and once your feeder is up and established I would expect you to be regularly recording all the tit family bar Bearded, which is in reality a "Reedling." and Crested, which in the UK only found up in Scotland. As far as birds in Spain are concerned, without leaving the house we have regular views of a lone male Blackbirds, a handful of House Sparrows, the occasional male Sardinian Warbler (I think the female is probably on nest nearby) and, with good luck and a following wind as they say, the distant sight of gulls overhead, often Mediterranean but also both Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.  A walk to the supermarket for food, now twice in the past twelve days,walking via the coastal paseo, is guaranteed to produce hordes of screaming, marauding Monk Parakeets along with a few Collared Doves and Feral Pigeons and, last week I even recorded single Gannet, Cormorant and Little Egret.  So not all bad news then - unless compared with your sightings!

Check out the accompanying website at http://www.birdingaxarquia.weebly.com for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Wednesday 25 March 2020

A "legal" birding walk!

25 March 2020

Good to know that friends back in the UK can sympathize with we Spanish-dwellers who are unable to get out and about for a little birding.  For me it is always delightful to read the reports of other birders, admire their photographs, etc and get a general birding buzz.  The latest, below, comes from another friend back home in dear old Blighty and just goes to show what might be seen when you are legally taking a short walk over there rather than here.  Enjoy.

Out at 06:15 with the temperature about 5C with the sun low in the sky, trying to avoid those polluting pets being walked. and the rest.  Home by 08:00 having seen only a single cyclist ,and a couple walking so to avoid them I crossed over the other side of the road.  I see that it is raining on the Costa but hopefully it will stop well before lunch.  Destiny was the big quarry routing via the main road and the garden centre.  Bits and bobs on the way but as I didn’t surprisingly see one later, of note was a male Mallard on a field flood.

Off the main road not having seen Oystercatcher in the garden centre, quickly finding House Sparrow, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Robin, Greenfinch and Blackbird.  A couple of Jackdaw flew down the field where in the corner I could see some potential winter thrushes in a tree in the corner of the field.  They fortunately flew down into the field beyond so I was able to view them.  There were at least 14 Fieldfare and a handful of Starling.   In the same field a Buzzard was ensconced on a wooden post.   A Song Thrush was singing and I heard several later.  Kestrel flew away from me, from a close by tree of me.  Chiffchaff was “chiffing” ahead of me which when I viewed it was in a tree directly above me.  But before that I heard, then saw, 3 Black Headed Gull, and when I got a view onto the Quarry water the only gull was of that species.

Fieldfare Turdus pilaris (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
My first view onto the water through the tight mesh with its 40x10 mm gaps was of a pair of Teal flying right to left.  Further away I could see 3 Great Crested Grebe, a couple of male Shoveler.  From a view further along the path 3 Cormorant were resting on some rocks protruding from the water, a few Tufted Duck, a male Gadwall and Coot.

Male Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
Yet further along, whilst I couldn’t see it, a Little Grebe was quarrelling and 2 Canada and 2 Grey-lag Geese were on the margin of the water.

About turn and re-tracing my steps in the field to the left a male Pheasant with a couple of lady friends.  Skylark was singing whilst flying laterally.  A few Goldfinch were messing about.  I heard then saw a couple of Long Tailed Tit, 3 Blue Tit showed themselves, as did 2 Great Tit.

Great Tit Parus major (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
When near the Fieldfare field , who had all disappeared, to the left I could see 6 large gulls flying line astern, which with their wing movements being “all primaries” were certainly Lesser Black-backed Gull.  Wood Pigeon were omnipresent as were Crow.  I couldn’t decide whether I was viewing a Stock Dove so it remains one of the Feral Pigeons.

Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
A good walk of about 6 miles with few pauses to take breath and 30 plus species.  I’ve exercised my rights.

Birds seen on the walk:
Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Gadwall, Mallard, Shoveler, Teal, Tufted Duck, Pheasant, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Buzzard, Kestrel, Coot, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Chiffchaff, Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Magpie, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Starling, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch.

Check out the accompanying website at http://www.birdingaxarquia.weebly.com for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)

25 March 2020

You have seen what's going on in Sweden now let's head westwards across the "Pond" to my birding friend Peter Thoem in Ontario, Canada.  Peter lives in Burlington, south of Totonto, and I had the pleasure of his company when we were in Toronto for four days back in May 2018.  Emigrating in his early twenties from Brockenhurst in the New Forest, once we really gt to know each other, I having spent most of my formative years in Southampton having moved from Wales in the late forties, it seemed we had a few mutual friends and contacts.  These past five or more years I have enjoyed receiving regular emails from Peter by way of his personal blog, "My Bird of the day" and they always contain lots of interesting background information.  Below find a copy of his latest effort received this morning.

Ring-necked Pheasant

by Peter Thoem

Ring-necked or Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus
Turkey Point ON. March 24 2020I can readily bring to mind four European bird species introduced into North America: House Sparrow, European Starling, Rock Pigeon and Ring-necked Pheasant, there may be 1 or 2 more; the first three are bog-common. We’ve probably all heard about the 19th Century meddler who thought the common people of America would remain intellectually and morally impoverished unless they knew the birds of Shakespeare. So, the story goes, he imported and released European robins, chaffinches, bullfinches and nightingales (among others) into New York’s Central Park; they didn’t all survive, not by a long shot, and what we’re left with are the highly successful ones, starlings and sparrows. The pigeon probably got here as a domestic food source for early farmer settlers. 

But the Ring-necked Pheasant is a different story, it is originally a bird of Asia Asia and is probably one of the most meddled-with of all bird species. It has been widely introduced across the continent for hunting and is commonly raised in captivity until grown when it is released. Those that escape the barrage struggle to survive in our climate, it is not common in Ontario and perhaps never was, other than very locally and periodically. Like all birds, pheasants need the right landscape and habitat to thrive, they need scattered mixed open fields punctuated with woodland and scrub, dense winter cover is especially important.  As if hunting wasn’t challenge enough, today’s changes in agriculture, moving towards large monoculture practices, don’t help pheasants.

Well, today my wife and I took time away from Covid 19 and drove to a landscape of extensive marshes on Lake Erie’s north shore. March is when ducks and other waterfowl start heading north and I was keen to see what had blown in from the south. It was time well spent and for a while I wondered if we’d actually encountered every, reasonably possible, duck species in Ontario. But no, we hadn’t, we missed Wood Duck, and both Blue and Green-winged Teals, but we did enjoy long studies of glorious, breeding-plumaged Northern Pintails, Gadwalls, Northern Shovelers, American Wigeon, Canvasbacks, Redheads, Lesser Scaup, Ruddy Ducks, Mallards, Ring-necked Ducks and more.

Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis about to dive

As we were making our way home I was mulling over whether Ducks, in general, had been my collective Birds of the day, or was it the handful of Sandhill Crane, or maybe the Common Grackles in streams of hundreds who, having crossed the lake, were swarming north to find their summer place.  We were following a wooded lakeside road when Ruth exclaimed, “Pheasant!”  And there, at the roadside, a rather lovely, male Ring-necked Pheasant, My Bird of the Day.

There’s a little more to this, a bit of history. This is not the first time for a Pheasant in these posts.  Eight years ago (!) in a bizarre encounter I almost literally ran into a Golden Pheasant.  It still makes me shake my head in disbelief.  Read about it here.
Golden Pheasant Chrysolophus pictus
I trust that you have enjoyed reading Peter's report as much as I have and very many thanks to Peter for permitting me share his experience and photographs with you.  Hopefully, in these time of little birding activity in Spain, perhaps I can bring more active reports to readers from external destinations where birding is still possible.

Footnote re the Golden Pheasant
Is the Golden Pheasant now extinct as a wild-breeding species in Britain?  The following extracts were produced by “Bird Guides” just a month ago in February 2020:
There are still sporadic reports, mainly of individuals, in and around the Brecks at largely unconnected sites. Many of these presumably relate to released birds, probably in small numbers, on the many shooting estates in the area. A couple of Suffolk sites, south of Thetford, are perhaps the final places in Britain where self-sustaining (or formerly self-sustaining) populations of Golden Pheasant can be found. It of course remains possible that these birds are supplemented by releases. Females have been seen too, with reports as recently as 2019, but numbers of both sexes have tailed off, even though recent sightings have taken Golden Pheasant into the 2020s as a British bird.  Excluding isolated releases, any British self-sustaining population of Golden Pheasant could be as small as 20 or more individuals.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Birding in Gothenburg

Twite Carduelis flavirostris (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
Tuesday 23 March

More of Mohamed and his mountain as we in Spain continue to be house-bound and unless lucky enough to live isolated in the countryside, have an extremely large garden or overlook a birding site then most likely your current birding experience is likely to range from little to nothing!  However, we are fortunate to have friends in the Axarquia Bird Group whose countries have a different policy, at the moment anyway, to what individuals can experience away from their respective homes.

One such friend is Hans Borjesson who lives in Gottenburg, Sweden and visits his house in Nerja three or four times a year and it is always such a pleasure to enjoy his company when over here.  However, April's visit has already been cancelled so unable to take him west to find our Andalucian Great Bustards and it now looks as if it may well be late summer or even December before we once again make personal contact.

But Hans has very kindly responded to my request for birding experiences of members still able to get out and about and share their experiences with us all.  Readers are used to seeing my reports from Rutland Water, Frampton Marsh and other British sites when I am back in the UK, so here is another birding experience from a great birder.  Hans is a birder first and foremost so when he sees a lovely bird he takes out his phone and as you will see produces some excellent results by digiscoping the subject in question.

Male Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
Please remember, if you are able to still undertake some birding in these worrying times then the invitation is open to all to send in a report, no matter how short, so that we can all share and enjoy your experience.  Similarly, do not worry about quality photographs, the emphasis is on sharing the birding experience and I will gladly included your photos or provide some of my own if you want help with illustrations, etc.  Go on, be a devil and send in a report!

Hawk Owl Surnia ulula (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)

Covid19 is paralyzing more or less the entire Europe and Bob has told me that it is almost impossible to get out birdwatching in Spain after the new rules about quarantine was put in place.
Here is a short report about birding during last weekend in the area around Gothenburg, Sweden. Weather has been really wet and windy from January until mid-March but the forecast for the weekend 21-22 looked promising with sunny skies and almost no wind at all.
Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
Saturday March 21st.  The clear skies makes it very cold and the thermometer showed -3 degrees when I jumped into the car at 06:15 AM.  My first stop was at Välen, a bay area with open areas around where grazing Highland Cattle keeps the area open from overgrowing.  Välen is located only 10 minutes drive from the center of Gothenburg and since it is only a 5 minute drive from home it is considered as my second home.  I spend around 230 days birding in this area per year.  242 species have been seen here.

Fieldfare Turdus pilaris (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
When entering “Stallberget” (a small top where you have a great view) I was greeted by two new arrivals for the year, a singing Song Thrush and a Chiffchaff.  The migration in the spring is not that impressive in Välen and my hands and feet were very cold so I decided to take a walk to check over the sea.  Barnacle, Canada and Greylag Geese were as usual overnighting in the bay.  Some of them also stay during the day feeding on the surrounding pastures.  A couple of Yellowhammers were passing as well as 2 Eurasian Jays.  A couple of Redwings were feeding together with Fieldfares and Common Starlings.  Another new arrival for the year were two Dunnocks.  One Mistle Thrush also passed while exclaiming its typical flight call.

After 1,5 hours walk I decided to re-locate to “Torslandaviken”.  Another bay area located about 20 minutes drive to the west of Gothenburg.  Around 275 species has been recorded in here and it is considered as one of the best places in the Gothenburg area.  I started by going to a small island called Skeppstadsholmen where Coal Tits was singing.  From the southern part of the island I could see 11 Purple Sandpipers together with 2 Ringed Plovers.

Later on I moved to the big lagoon “Karholmsdammen” where I spotted Great Crested Grebes, Gadwalls, Common Pochards and Smew to name a few.  Two Rooks passed together with a group of Western Jackdaws.

Female Common Scoter Melanitta nigra (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
After a good night's sleep I woke up at 05:40 and another day with sunshine was ahead.  -3 degrees this morning so yet another day I had to remove ice from the windows of the car.  I decided to copy the day before so I first took a trip to Välen.  A selection of species seen were 3 Grey Herons, 2 White Wagtails that has just recently started to arrive from winter areas.  Up in the pine forest both feeding Goldcrests were seen and also one passing Brambling.  Outside the small harbor in Välen a female Common Scoter was resting. 

White Wagtail Motacilla alba yarrellii  The subspecies Yarrellii is quite rare in Sweden and this individual was seen earlier last week in Välen. (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)

I then went back to Torslandaviken which is a quite big area and visited what we call “Mudderdammen” which I did not visit the day before.  At least 8 Horned Larks were feeding together with a few Skylarks.  Around 20 Twites were also feeding in the area.  At this location we have also had a wintering Little Bunting.  It was still seen on Saturday but I could not find it this Sunday.  It was most likely still present because it has been in the area for several months.

Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
In the big lagoon Karholmsdammen the Smews from yesterday has got the company of a pair of Widgeon.  Four Chiffchaffs was also seen during the day.

I don’t use a camera.  Instead, I use my mobile phone with the spotting scope as the lens.  You don’t get as crisp  a shot as you would with a camera but you do get a very high magnification.  The pictures were all taken during in Välen/Torslandaviken during 2020.  

Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
/Hans Börjesson
Gothenburg, Sweden

What an excellent report Hans and it brings happy birding thoughts to us all as we await the opening of our personal birding gates in, hopefully about a month's time.  For me, pride of place goes to the Horned Lark and Hawk Owl which I have never seen and I dread to think how many decades since I last saw a Twite, once a common winter visitor to my area back in the UK if you knew where to look.

More photos from Hans:

Greylag Goose Anser anser (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
Mew (Common) Gull Larus canus (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)
Magpie Pica pica (PHOTO: Hans Borjesson)

Check out the accompanying website at http://www.birdingaxarquia.weebly.com for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Friday 20 March 2020

Aves raras de Andalucía (Rare Birds in Andalucia)

Al igual que yo, sé que muchos lectores no son grandes admiradores de Facebook y otras formas de "redes sociales". De hecho, probablemente se dará cuenta de que administro la cuenta de Facebook del sitio Axarquia Birds and Wildlife, pero habrá notado que su sitio no permite publicidad ni chats sociales; es puramente un sitio donde los miembros y seguidores pueden publicar libremente sus fotos de observación de aves y / o vida silvestre y otros lectores pueden comentar y ofrecer sugerencias, consejos, etc. Sin embargo, cada vez más observadores de aves parecen usar Facebook como su sistema predeterminado para publicando sus maravillosas fotografías y me sorprende que muchos de ustedes se estén perdiendo por causas ajenas a su voluntad.

Avetoro Comun  Botaurus stellaris
Por lo tanto, me puse en contacto con mi amigo Ricky Owen, que vive en el extremo sur de nuestra región, y solicité su permiso para publicar en nuestro sitio algunas de sus fotografías notables y de primera clase tomadas en los últimos seis meses. Al leer y estudiar lo mismo a continuación, creo que quedará realmente impresionado con lo que se ha visto en Andalucía, pero también con la calidad profesional de las fotografías. Ricky los publica amablemente, muchas gracias a él por compartir sus experiencias. ¡Y pensar cuántas de estas aves no he visto! Me doy cuenta de que, para algunos, estas aves pueden no parecer tan raras, mientras que otras ciertamente podrían clasificarse como muy raras. Del mismo modo, tomada en un contexto andaluz, muchas especies cotidianas en el Reino Unido o el norte de Europa tomadas como "comunes" pueden parecer bastante especiales aquí, piense solo en Camachuelo comun , Acentor comun  , Escribano cerillo, Graja , etc.

Entonces, esta mañana, recibo una tremenda selección de fotografías de Ricky. Pensando en aquellos que ya he visto, esperaba, tal vez, alrededor de una docena, así que imagina con absoluto asombro, sorpresa y deleite cuando el recuento final de especies llegó a veinticinco, sí 25 especies raras o muy poco comunes, incluso para esta parte de Europa, incluidos dos aves rapaces y no menos de tres escribanos . Todos merecen su pleno disfrute y apreciación, así que gracias de nuevo Ricky. De hecho, con más de un registro de algunas especies, es posible que tenga que hacer un blog de seguimiento para hacer justicia a las magníficas fotos de Ricky.

Los lectores no se sorprenderán, a pesar de que no me he referido a sitios específicos para las especies individuales, que La Janda, Tarifa y el Brazo del Este ocupan un lugar destacado, por lo que vale la pena una visita cuando finalmente salgamos de nuestra "prisión" de origen. bloqueos y este horrible virus finalmente se erradica. Las especies se muestran siguiendo el listado de acuerdo con la SEO (Sociedad Española de Ornitología) con cualquier información adicional tomada de Collins Bird Guide, Segunda edición.

Colimbo Grande Gavial immer
Se reproduce en la tundra y el rango principal en América del Norte

Paino de Wilson  Oceanites oceanicus
Criador del hemisferio sur visitando el Atlántico Norte junio - octubre

Piquero patirrojo  Sula sula
La más pequeña de todas las especies de piqueros y se encuentra en los océanos Atlántico, Pacífico e Índico. Muchos observadores de aves visitaron el puerto de Caleta cerca de Vélez Málaga, la principal ciudad gemela del distrito de la Axarquía al este de la ciudad de Málaga para este visitante inmaduro de larga estancia a fines de la primavera de 2019.

Avetoro Comun  Botaurus stellaris
Si bien el número y los sitios de reproducción / invernada están aumentando rápidamente en el Reino Unido, este es, sin embargo, un visitante muy raro en Andalucía.

Aguila Pomerana  Aquila pomarina
Se reproduce en el lejano este de Europa y numerosos inmigrantes a través de Turquía y Oriente Medio para pasar el invierno en África. A menudo se encuentran individuos en la provincia de Cádiz.

Buitre Moteado  Gyps rueppellii
Las razas en el África subsahariana, pero pocas, a menudo hasta siete, parecen derivar de Marruecos a las colinas costeras cerca de Tarifa cada año. Más pequeño que el buitre leonado, que se vuelve más obvio cuando se ven juntos.

Polluela Pintoja  Porzana porzana
El más probable de ser visto de nuestros seis crakes. Sin embargo, siempre es un placer cuando surge la oportunidad que, para muchos, ocurre anualmente.

Polluela Bastarda  Porzana parva
Crake del este de Europa pero visitante regular escaso y fraccionalmente más grande que el crake de Baillon.

Calamoncillo Africano  Porphyrio alleni
Se reproduce en África subsahariana y más bien como el proverbial autobús número 9; ¡no ves uno por años y luego aparece un solo espécimen en años sucesivos!

Chorlito Carambolo  Charadrius morinellus
En realidad, no es una rareza, pero lo ven anualmente los que conocen sus lugares de descanso preferidos durante la migración, principalmente alrededor de febrero de cada año.

Correlimos Oscura  Calidris martima
Una vez más, no es tan raro como un visitante de invierno muy escaso. Al igual que con los registros anteriores de Fuengirola, los individuos pueden regresar al mismo trimestre de invernada durante muchos años sucesivos y luego desaparecer por completo esperando que un nuevo sitio sea encontrado por
experiencia observadores de aves.

Falaropo Picofino   Phalaropus lobatus
El tipo de ave zancuda para llevar a los observadores de aves a un sitio encontrado en el Reino Unido no importa Andalucía.

Gaviota de Bonaparte  Larus Filadelfia
Rara vagabundo de América del Norte y un individuo encontrado en el Guadalhorce y visto por muchos en abril de 2019.
Gaviota Cana Larus canus
Puede ser "común" en el Reino Unido, pero muy pocos lo ven en Andalucía.

Tortola Senegalesa  Streptopelia senegalensis
Esta paloma puede ser común en el otro lado del Mediterráneo, pero ahora parece que un número muy pequeño se ha abierto paso a través del agua hacia Andalucía y ha comenzado una colonia de cría en la provincia de Sevilla. Pero, ¿aumentarán y se extenderán rápidamente, tratando de replicar la propagación de nuestras palomas de collar más numerosas?

Bisbita de Hodgson  Anthus hodgsoni
Un criador siberiano y del lejano NE europeo y un visitante extremadamente raro en Andalucía.

Bisbita Costero  Anthus petrosus
Una bisbita del norte de Europa que migra a las costas de Europa occidental en invierno, pero que la mayoría de nosotros rara vez lo vemos.

Bulbul Naranjero  Pycnonotus barbatus
Mientras que un ave común de África subsahariana y Marruecos, algunos se han desplazado obviamente en el extremo occidental relativamente estrecho del Mediterráneo, ya que ahora hay una población reproductora muy pequeña en Tarifa.

Menor Curruca Zarcera  Sylvia curruca blythi
Un visitante de verano bastante común en el Reino Unido, pero la migración lo lleva por una ruta oriental hacia el extremo opuesto del Mar Mediterráneo desde España. Quién sabe lo que este individuo estaba haciendo en Andalucía y bien visto por observadores de aves dedicados.

Treparriscos  Tichodroma muraria
Quizás el pájaro icónico de España, el "Santo Grial" para los observadores de aves españoles. Pero significa un viaje al extremo norte con una visita a uno de los sitios más conocidos en lugares como los Picos de Europa. Pero si Mohamed no puede ir a las montañas, entonces las montañas deben venir a Mohammed. He escuchado rumores regulares sobre cómo los observadores de aves españoles en el saber han visto regularmente a un Treparriscos invernar en los acantilados en el área alrededor de Ventas de Zafarraya, pero nunca me he dado un vistazo. Y luego aparece un individuo en la garganta casi inmediatamente después de ingresar al Caminito del Rey. Grandes noticias ya que la entrada está restringida y los telescopios no están permitidos, por lo que el pájaro tiene la oportunidad de descansar y recuperarse, también ayudado por la situación de Coronavirus que resultó en que el sitio se cerró al público, incluso si eso significaba que no podía, a diferencia de muchos de mis amigos, para visitar y ver este pájaro icónico por mí mismo.

Alcaudon Isabel  Lanius isabellinus
Un alcaudón del este que logré ver en Georgia durante septiembre de 2019, por lo que es un placer especial para algunos que se sienten muy felices de obligar a los observadores de aves a visitar el Parque Nacional de Doñana.

Estornino Rosado  Sturnus roseus
Una especie interesante también conocida como Starling Sturnus roseus de color rosa, aunque los dos ahora se han dividido. Sin embargo, información reciente sugiere que a Rosy Starling se le ha dado el nombre científico de Pastor roseus, aunque la lista de SEO se refiere al pájaro como "Rosy" con el nombre científico de Rose-colored. Por lo tanto, he dejado los nombres según la lista de SEO que parece ser una combinación de ambos. Sin embargo, este estornino es un ave de las estepas del lejano oriente, algunas de las cuales ocasionalmente terminan siendo vagabundos en Europa occidental.

Escribano Nival   Piectrophenax nivalis
Un ave del norte de Europa pero que se encuentra regularmente en el sur, aunque no necesariamente en Andalucía.

Escribano Pigmeo   Emberiza pusilla
Se reproduce en el extremo noreste de Europa y sería un visitante vagabundo muy raro en Andalucía.

Escribano Sahariano  Emberiza sahari
Un criador común en Marruecos cercano, por lo tanto, tal vez, no sea tan sorprendente encontrar un vagabundo aquí, ya sea que llegue bajo su propio poder de ala o por paso asistido en un barco que pasa, etc. Quizás un futuro criador residente en Andalucía.

¿Y qué hay de una Axarquia en un contexto de pájaro raro? Desde una experiencia personal, parece que cada invierno tenemos algo que dibujar en los observadores de aves, especialmente, el puerto de Caleta. No mucho después de mudarme a España, visité Florida y me encontré con las gaviotas de pico anillado. Cuando regresé, no me gustó mucho leer que una pareja había sido vista en el Reino Unido y, al regresar a España, todos parecían encantados de informarme de la persona que había pasado una semana en el puerto de Caleta durante mi ausencia.

(PHOTO: Steve Powell)
Gaviota pico anillado Larus delawarensis

Tal vez ahora estamos mejor preparados, ya que parece que hemos estado en una carrera últimamente con Franklin's Gull en marzo de 2016, Iceland Gull en febrero de 2018 y sin olvidar, por supuesto, el piquero de patas rojas que apareció en mayo de 2019 y se quedó por un par de meses o más También en nuestro distrito tuvimos un Gallinule de Allen en los tramos más bajos del río en Nerja a principios del año pasado y mientras no de nosotros perdió este pájaro y apareció otro individuo en febrero cerca de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, cerca del Guadalquivir en la provincia de Sevilla, y fue fotografiado por Ricky como se ve arriba. Finalmente, casi en la Axarquía, muchos vieron y fotografiaron una gaviota de Bonaparte durante su corta estadía en el Guadalhorce, Málaga, en Aril 2019.

Gaviota de Franklin Larus pipixcan  *

Gaviota de Islandia Larus glaucoides  *

Gaviota de Bonaparte Larus Filadelfia  *
Bonaparte's Gull (centre back) with Black-headed Gulls and Sandwich Tern
Piquero patirrojo Sula sula  *

*  Above four photographs by Bob Wright

Una vez más, debo agradecer sinceramente a Ricky por todo este trabajo adicional que, estoy seguro, es muy apreciado por todos nosotros.

Once again, I must offer my sincere thanks to Ricky for all this extra work which, I am sure, is much appreciated by us all.