Friday, 31 July 2020

More Fenland Birding

31 July 2020

Having taken Jenny over to her friend's house in Langtoft so that the ladies might enjoy a day's shopping at Springfields, Spalding, I thought, why not?  So leaving Langtoft I headed over to Willow Tree Fen reserve, covering the county lane journey over what can only be described as "corrugated roads" and arrived fifteen minutes later including a couple of stops for road works.  Lovely to meet an old friend on "guard duty" not having seen terry for probably 25 years.  Terry had seen the Cranes when he first arrived at 7 0'clock but not seen since.

Red Kite Milvus milvus

During my short stay at the reserve entrance I recorded a couple of Marsh Harriers and a pair of Kestrel.  Given that I had seen a Buzzard atop a pole as I headed past Baston Fen and recorded a Red Kite approaching Baston on my return journey less than two hours later, a quartet of raptors was most encouraging.  Also seen was a pair of Moorhen in the Counter Drain where the entrance bridge is sited and very many Rooks, Crows and Jackdaws.  However, perhaps the best sighting was that of a Grey Partridge flying over the area used by the Cranes.  naturally, there were many Wood Pigeons and also seen were Collared Doves and House Sparrows.

Black-headed Gulls Larus ridibundus
Making a very short stop at Baston Gravel Pits on the return journey all seemed very quiet and relaxed as the temperature soared; too hot really for serious birding, especially where there was no cover from the blazing sun.  A Cormorant flew over the waters as di some of the local Black-headed Gulls.  Whilst a few were noted on the water the majority were in huge flocks feeding on the recently harrowed fields.  Alongside the gulls, lovely see the flock of well-over a hundred Lapwings.

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus

On the water a couple of score of Mute Swans and at least six Little Egrets.  The limited number of ducks were made up of Mallard and Tufted Ducks and accompanied by a good number of Coot but only the occasional Moorhen.  Similarly, there were Starlings on the wires and a few Jackdaws near the cottage whilst at the back of the water a small flock of Greylag Geese and a handful of Herring Gull to accompany the greater number of Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Mute Swan Cygnus olor

Birds seen:
Greylag Goose, Mute Swan, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Grey Partridge, Cormorant, Little Egret, Red Kite, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel, Moorhen, Coot, Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Barn Swallow, Jackdaw, Rook, Carrion Crow, Starling, House Sparrow.

Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Birding in the Fens

Thursday 30 July

The weather promise tomorrow seems unbearably hot for birding so out this morning by 8.30 to check the local Fens.  First a visit to the, looking lovely, flooded and disused gravel pits at close by Baston, Lincolnshire before carrying on to Baston Fen Reserve followed by Willow Tree Fen Reserve, the last two sites owned and monitored by Lincolnshire Wildfowl Trust.

Baston Gravel Pits - Western lake
The two large flooded lakes on either side of the road were looking beautiful as I approached and a good number of Mute Swan and Greylag Geese on the eastern pool whereas the western pool held eight Little Egrets.  This pool, on a small island immediately in front of me, also held single Oystercatcher, Lapwing and Herring Gull.  Further away a number of Mallard and Tufted Duck  plus a couple of Little Grebe.  No shortage of Coots on both lakes and more Mallards and Tufted Ducks on the eastern lake.  Just the one Common Tern noted.  Most of the Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed Gulls were recorded on the western lake.

Find the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus and Lapwing Vanellus vanellus on the island

The nearby fields and wires held a number of Starlings along with a couple of Kestrels.  A large flock of Rooks was feeding on a recently ploughed field as were hundreds of Black-headed Gulls.  A Magpie wandered across the road as I set off for Baston Fen reserve.  All very quiet here and the local men had turned up to mow the meadow so I continued on along the drove to the better-known Willow Tree Fen on the outskirts of Tongue End.

Willow Tree Fen looking south
This site is presently closed to the public but visitors are able to use scopes etc to look into the reserve from the entry bridge and Counter Drain bank.  This is the site that has just recorded the first successful breeding of Crane in over 400 years; a first for Lincolnshire.  However, neither adults nor the single chick put in an appearance for my benefit.  The entry is being controlled by members and volunteers to protect the site and I was informed that all were seen before 7am this morning.  Also told that the best times seem to be before 7 in the morning or early evening between 6 and 7pm.  A more detailed report on the successful breeding can be found on the latest Bird Guide, my email copy arriving yesterday. (Contact: for more details.)

Willow Tree Fen looking west - where the Cranes are usually seen (at the back on white flowers)

However, my time spent on the entry bridge with one other local birder and the lady member of the Trust supervising the site from 7 till 10am before handing over to a colleague, was not without interest.  At least five Marsh Harriers and a single Buzzard were noted but my favourite sighting was that of a Hobby quartering the rear of the fields in front.  Most probably the arrival of both Marsh Harriers and the Hobby were sufficient to keep the Cranes out of sight.  Lots and lots of Wood Pigeons on site and Collared Doves behind me.  Smaller birds included a small charm of Goldfinch and a dozen or so House Sparrows.

Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus over Willow Tree Fen
Looking down the main track into the reserve I was able to also see many Crows and a few Magpies.  A cock Pheasant wandered along the far end picking up gravel and just before departing a large flock of Rooks passed southwards along the back of the site.  This is indeed a lovely site and standing next to the Counter Drain I could not but be impressed by the cleanliness of the water which seemed to be overflowing with healthy young fish.  Managed by the Drains Board no fishing is allowed and, evidently, this is one of the cleanest waters on the Fens, where most are already in a very healthy state.
Herring Gull Larus argentatus at Baston Gravel Pits
Birds seen:
Greylag Goose, Mute Swan, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Pheasant, Little Grebe, Little Egret, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel, Hobby, Moorhen, Coot, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Common Tern, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Magpie, Rook, Carrion Crow, Starling, House Sparrow, Goldfinch.

Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

RSPB Langford Lowfields Reserve, Newark

Wednesday 29 July

RSPB Langford Lowfields - waters on Phase III
A pleasant start to the day with broken cloud, sunshine and just  hint of a cool breeze for my first visit to RSPB Langford Lowfields Reserve just north-east of Newark in Nottinghamshire.  Even better as a straight drive up the A1 from Stamford meant the reserve could be reached in under 45 minutes.  This is very much a reserve under development utilising the sand and gravel pits currently being worked by Tarmac.  The smaller Phase 1 is presently open to the public but much of the bird life was to be found on pools and lagoons of Phases 2 and 3 which, although not being commercially worked, are still out of bounds and closed to visitors.  However, bird life can be viewed from the neighbouring path.  When the commercial side finally departs, the area will be returned to nature with the suggestion that it might be developed to hold the largest reedbed in the Midlands.

RSPB Langford Lowfields
Very easy to find and accessible with a provided car park.  Fortunately I had printed off a map of the site last night so having noted the Collared Dove and many Wood Pigeons as I entered the reserve I was all set for a clock-wise tour of the site, a final total of just on five miles (8 kilometres).  Once under way a distant Kestrel and then a couple of Carrion Crows passing overhead.  A Chaffinch was calling and sighted followed by a very large charm of feeding Goldfinches, including many juveniles.  Stopping a this point to view a scrape with reeded edges, a trio of Little Egret and a handful of mallards were noted.  Once underway again on the surfaced path a couple of Magpies and another family of Carrion Crows along with more Wood Pigeons.

Female Blackbird Turdus merula
The second reason for carrying a map of the site is for when one gets lost!  I knew something had gone wrong when instead of finding the turn on the right to take me to Phase 1 I reached a country lane signposted towards Newark on my right and the nearby level crossing to my left.  Retracing my steps back alongside The Fleet we eventually found the very narrow path heading towards Slough Dyke.  Then followed an uncomfortable walk through the recently cut bramble and stinging nettles overlooking the many pools and scrapes that are currently lying in Phase 3.  However, our little diversion did lead to a close view a most handsome male Yellowhammer so the extra 800 metres or so most worthwhile.

RSPB Langford Lowfields
Lots of birds to be seen including very many Greylag and Canada Geese along with a good number of Mute Swans.  Just the one Little Grebe but many Great Crested Grebes in some of these deep waters.  Ducks were mainly Mallard but I did come across the occasional small flock of Tufted Duck.  Also present was a good number of heron and a score or more of Little Grebe.  A little dip through a wooded valley produced a Robin and then we were at the last of the large pools where, in addition to very many Greylag Geese and Mallards we found the gulls and a number of Common Terns.  Mainly Black-headed but also a half-dozen Great Black-backed and a single Yellow-legged Gull.  Whilst watching the Kestrel come to land on a distant fence we also found a single Oystercatcher on one of the small islands in the lagoon.  To their left a trio of Cormorants were drying their wings.

Distant record shot of Kestrel Falco tinnunculus

Then out of the nettles and up on to the high bank for the remainder of the walk towards Phase 1.  Almost immediately a couple of Blackbirds followed by a Common Whitethroat.  A handful of House Sparrows were seen

RSPB Langford Lowfields- from the southern end of Phase I
Over the style and walk along the southern end of Phase 1 and this part of the reserve looked beautiful.  The island below me held both a single Lapwing and a Moorhen and, in addition to the three or four Black-headed Gulls, a constant stream of Common Terns.  A mixed flock of ducks at the back included a pair of Common Pochard and from the furthermost viewpoint on top of a small incline I was able to see a number of Heron and Little Egrets along with a pair of Gadwall on the water.  Reed Warblers were moving around in the reeds below me and my final sighting of the day was a trio of Reed Buntings which had flown form the reeds below me to a bush behind me.  It might even be that another trio of distant small brown birds flying towards the island below might have been Bullfinches given that I particularly noticed the white rumps.

A very sleepy Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
A most enjoyable morning's walk of about five miles which produced 35 species, most of which were seen on the flooded lagoons and scrapes of, presumably, Phases 2 and 3.

One of very many Little Egrets Egretta garzetta
Birds seen:
Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Gadwall, Mallard, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Little Egret, Heron, Kestrel, Moorhen, Coot, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Common Tern, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Sand Martin, Robin, Blackbird, Reed Warbler, Common Whitethroat, Magpie, Carrion Crow, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting.

RSPB Langford Lowfields - towards the north of  Phase I

Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Rutland Water

A Rutland Water Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Saturday 25 July

The promised rain did not arrive (well, not until I was back home) so off to Rutland Water for the morning arriving at 9.30 in mixed cloud, some sun and reasonably warm even if there was a good breeze.  Lots of Mute Swans seen on the North Arm as I approached the Egleton turning and a large flock of Rooks to my right.  The trip to Burley Fishponds was abandoned as the road is now closed albeit I did record Canada Geese on the way up  and a couple of Cormorant seen from said road, along with many Wood Pigeon and then a couple of Crows approaching Egleton itself, where a Jackdaw was resting atop the church tower.  Driving along this last lane at least fifty Greylag Geese flew east over the road immediately in front of the car.

Blackbird Turdus merula happy to share the table with  Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis

Awaiting the optics shop to open for a repair to be undertaken on my scope I started at the feeding Station.  It looked very much that no ground maintenance had been undertaken during lockdown and although feeders had been topped up little, if anything, could be seen of the ground.  Lots of adult and juvenile Blue and Great Tits along with sightings of Goldfinch and Chaffinch along with a single Greenfinch.  Strange that only one male seen in the score or more of Chaffinches.  Also present a Robin, Dunnock and Blackbird.

Lagoon 3 from Shoveler Hide
Repairs undertaken there was time to check the activity on Lagoon 1 before setting off north in to the reserve.  Plenty of Mallard and Cormorant along with Tufted Duck, Coot and a trio of Little Egret.  But then, at the back, a Great White EgretRedshank Hide produced Coot, a first Common Tern of the morning and a number of sand martin in addition to the Black-headed Gulls whereas Osprey Hide provided the first Moorhen of the morning.

Great White Egret Egretta alba

Once settled into Sandpiper Hide overlooking Lagoon 4 chance to take note of the bird life with no other birders present.  A good number of both Mallard and Lapwing with probably more than a dozen Little Egret.  Just the one Little Grebe and also a lone Pied wagtail.  Very many Canada and Greylag Geese and on the far left a number of Black-headed Gulls, pus a few to the front, plus a single Great Black-backed Gull.  Indeed, resting with the main flock of Black-headed Gulls to the left was a single Mediterranean Gull.  Having watched the large, feeding flock of Starlings I noticed the small family party of Egyptian Geese at the back left whereas to my right a single Little Grebe and a quintet of Wigeon.

Common Terns Sterna hirundo

Shoveler Hide overlooking Lagoon 3 was a delight as it held over 70 Lapwing and I counted 35 Common Tern on the two small islands in front of the hide.  At the back against the reeds to my left a single Great White Egret along with five Little Egrets followed by a pair of feeding Green Sandpuipers.  A few Reed Warblers were calling form the adjacent reedbed and a couple of juvenile Shelduck were noted.  The deeper water held scores of Great Crested Grebes.  However, just one Black-tailed Godwit feeding close to the resting flock of Lapwing.  The Common Terns were using the provided nesting boxes in the water and judging by the "non-barred Covid activity" the breeding cycle is still in full swing!

A loving pair of Common Terns Sterna hirundo

The local Gadwall were found from the Buzzard Hide and on entering Smew Hide overlooking the northern end of lagoon 2 it was relatively easy to ponder the reason for the Common Tern being found as stated above; nesting platforms were well over-grown and generally very little, if any, ground exposed on the lagoon's edges.  Similarly, Lagoon 3 was a major source for the observed Great Crested Grebes this morning.  It was only when back at the Visitors Centre to collect my repaired tripod that I ventured upstairs tot he viewing area and found the massed resting flock of Tufted Duck along with a couple of Heron and even a visiting Carrion Crow.  A single Barn Swallow flew past to give a change from the local breeding Sand Martins.

Lagoon 1 seen from the Visitors Centre
Driving over to the Lyndon Visitors centre i stopped at the western end of Manton Bay to be amazed by the number of birds present in the shallow water, mainly Mallard and Great Crested Grebes but also Cormorant, Little Egret, Great White Egret and Tufted Duck.  Nothing on the nest but a (juvenile?) Osprey was resting on a small dead tree in the water a little to the left.

Western end of Manton Bay seen from the A6003 Uppingham to Oakham road
Lyndon itself was rather disappointing.  I got the distant feeling that the area had only just been re-opened so no food in the feeders and not a single small bird to be seen.  I took my first ever walk eastwards to Swan Hide, a 600 walk each way which produced a the briefest of sightings as a lone Cormorant surfaced to show its neck and was gone as soon as seen!  And, as I made my way back to the main road  the last recorded species was a Magpie.

Resting Tufted Duck Aythya fuligua plus Herons Ardea cinerea, Little Egret Egretta garzetta and Carrion Crow Corvus corone
Birds seen:
Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Egyptian Goose, Shelduck, Wigeon, Gadwall, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Little Egret, Great White Egret, Heron, Osprey, Moorhen, Coot, Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, Mediterranean Gull, Black-headed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Common Tern, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Sand Martin, Barn Swallow, Pied Wagtail, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Reed Warbler, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Magpie, Jackdaw, Rook, Carrion Crow, Common Starling, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch.

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa
Juvenile Shelduck Tadorna tadorna
A small section of the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus flock 
I counted 35 Common Terns Sterna hirundo on this small island
Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Friday, 24 July 2020

Frampton Marsh, Boston

Thursday 23 July

Passing through Frampton I had both Carrion Crow and Rooks plus a circling Buzzard.  Arriving at RSPB Frampton Marsh itself at 9.30 this morning I was welcomed by many Wood Pigeon in the adjacent trees and somewhat surprised to see an almost full car par; looks as if every local birder had turned up on site, presumably to find the reported Pectoral Sandpiper and Little Stints.  With the Visitors Centre closed and only the Reedbed Hide open, plenty of room for self-isolation.

Frampton Marsh towards the Visitors Centre (back right)
Taking a clockwise walk around the Reedbed I mad a stop just inside the picnic site gate to the left of the VC to check out the main water - and certainly plenty of that!  On the island immediately in front of me a sleeping Whooper Swan which had remained after its winter visit and at least eight Spoonbill.  Also present were a number of Mallard and a couple of Little Egret.  On the edge closest to me was a juvenile Little Ringed Plover and the small bay to my right held a couple of Moorhen.

Sleeping Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus with Spoonbills Platalea leucorodia and Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa
Looking a little further back, away from the VC, not so much the lone Great Black-backed Gull nor the scores of Black-tailed Godwits but suddenly aware that the next island was a solid mass of Knot, there must have been thousands tightly packed together with the odd handful of different species so giving me the opportunity to say, "They're not Knots, they're Black-tailed Godwits!"  And just not these larger waders as close by were scores of feeding Dunlin.

A raft of Knot Calidris canutus

And then the Knots Calidris canutus took flight
Meanwhile, both on the nearby water and islands were a dozen or so Greylag Geese.  Further away a Mute Swan was swimming to the right and a couple of feeding Little Grebe.  A Common Reshank was observed, probably a juvenile, and the first of very many many Lapwing.

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus with Common Redshank Tringa totanus

After a prolonged stay and the sighting of a Ruff, time to move on watching the Magpie give up its post on the next gate.  The walk round to the back of the pool produced Goldfinch and both Barn Swallow and Starling put in an appearance.  A couple of quartering Marsh Harriers were seen in the distance and reaching the first corner a Collared Dove on the cottage roof to my left.  Once at the rear and standing on the raised watch point, I could see the Knot flock in its massed numbers along with a dozen Avocet much nearer to hand.  Lots of Dunlin feeding close to the Avocets along with a quartet of Spotted Redshank.

Resting Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta

Avocets, Dunlin Calidris alpina and Black-tailed Godwit with single Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus (extreme left)

Moving on round to the Reedbed Hide gave me the chance to see far more Lapwing along with a trio of Cormorant.  A quintet of Wigeon swam out from the reeds to my right and I noted the Black-headed Gulls including many well-developed juveniles.  There were a few Coots on the water and, behind me, a Sky Lark was doing what it does best as it ascended towards the heavens.

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus

Reaching the road I turned left and headed off towards the high bank overlooking the reserve to the west and saltmarsh to the east with the Wash in the far distance.  Limited water here but still plenty of Black-tailed Godwits and more Avocets.  The latter appear to have had a good breeding season, especially as their breeding grounds are now protected by the badger-proof fence installed last year.  Checking the wet grassland to the north I noticed the main Canada Geese flock.  A female Tufted Duck put in an appearance with a couple of young ducklings and  the first of the Reed Warblers made its presence known.  An Oystercatcher was present on both sides of the road and more were to be found later when looking down on the reserve form the high bank.

Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus

From the high bank I was able to scope the furthest waters to the north where yet more Avocets were seen along with a couple of Mute Swans and a handful of Shelduck.  Having photographed some nearby Black-tailed Godwits immediately below me a Meadow Pipit followed by a single Common Tern flew close by before retuning northwards.

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa

Back to the car to deposit the scope, picking up a departing Green Sandpiper and a the juvenile Little Ringed Plover on the way, then a walk through the wooded edge to the western end of the reserve to look for the Turtle Doves, two pairs having been reported this year.  No luck today albeit I did find a pair of Yellow Wagtails and as I was packing up a Greenfinch in the nearby hedgerow and then a cock Pheasant as I made may way to the reserve exit.  All in all, a most enjoyable three hours and, I suspect, there will be a return visit before returning to Spain in mid-August.

Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus with Dunlin Calidris alpina 

Birds seen:
Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Whooper Swan, Mute Swan, Shelduck, Wigeon, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Pheasant, Little Grebe, Cormorant, Little Egret, Spoonbill, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Moorhen, Coot, Oystercatcher, Avocet, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Knot, Dunlin, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank, Common Redshank,  Black-headed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Common Tern, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Sky Lark, Barn Swallow, Meadow Pipit, Yellow Wagtail, Reed Warbler, Magpie, Rook, Carrion Crow, Starling, Greenfinch, Goldfinch.

Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa
Mainly Dunlin Calidris alpina
Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa and Dunlin Calidris alpina

Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information

Monday, 20 July 2020

Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus
Monday 20 July

A very early arrival on a clear day at 5.55 and the sun breaking through, hopefully well ahead of the dog walkers - but I should be so lucky!  A slight chill in the air so pleased I was wearing a long sleeve jumper even though still in shorts.  On the whole a lovely site when quiet and less than ten minutes away by car from my son's home.  Lots of Blackbirds and Wood Pigeons on the way then greeted by a few House Sparrows, a couple of Collared Doves and more Wood Pigeons.

Having change into trainers I set off form the Visitors Centre to walk the anti-clockwise "Blue Trail," a total of 4 kilometres including the long stretches through the reed-bed and canal tow path respectively.  Resting at the water's edge near the VC were a good number of Mallard plus both Canada Geese and a couple of Mute Swans.  A closer look produced numerous Black-headed Gulls and even a pair of Yellow-legged Gulls in addition to a single Common Tern and then a family party of Egyptian Geese.  Further out on the water  number of Tufted Duck.

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus family with adopted Mallard Anada Azulon Anas platyrhynchos
Approaching the reed-bed A small feeding party of Chaffinches in the tree above and then a Sedge Warbler to my left.  On round the corner and I heard then saw a couple of Crows before stopping to see the feeding Reed Warblers.  A Cetti's Warbler was shouting its head off and then the first of the five Magpies seen during my walk

Once walking alongside the canal I was able to look back into the reserve and found the Great Spotted Woodpecker at the top of a dead tree.  A little further on a single Great Tit and then a couple of Willow Warblers.  A Robin put in an appearance before crossing the railway line.  Looking at the water inside the reserve I found the small flock of Pochard and a Great Crested Grebe with well-grown chick.

Once back nearer to the end of the lake opposite the VC it was amusing to see all the Black-headed Gulls lined up on parallel horizontal branches as it on a "shooting gallery" and ten also a handful of Cormorant.  A very close resting Common Tern took off from the low branch before I could raise the camera.  At the back of the water I found a single Heron and then a feeding Little Grebe.  Finally, the last bird of the morning (at last) was a Dunnock.

Black-headed Gulls Gaviota Reidora Larus rudibundus with a single Cormorant Cormoran Grande Phalacrocorax carbo
On returning to son's house I was greeted by Great and Blue Tits along with a juvenile Bullfinch on the bird feeder whilst a Blackbird fed below on the dropped seed and a Red Kite circled overhead.  Great sightings.

Birds seen:
Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Egyptian Goose, Mallard, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Heron, Red Kite, Moorhen, Coot, Black-headed Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Common Tern, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Cetti's Warbler, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Magpie, Carrion Crow, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Bullfinch

Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information