Wednesday 12 February
Sounds like a good morning's birding for Dave and his Arboleas Birding Group. Lovely to read about Griffon Vultures, Choughs, Serins and Crested Larks, never mind that very early Whinchat. But reading about Crossbill and Corn Bunting reminded me that I have not seen either since returning to the UK three years ago. How things have changed since I started ringing back in the late sixties (that's in the last century!) On the other hand, we still have a few local Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers in the New Forest ad I did see a most handsome pair of Mandarin Ducks on Cadnam Pond in the north-east corner of the Forest.
Mandarin Ducks (PHOTO: Bob Wright) |
Sierra de Maria - Wednesday 12th February
I picked up Nigel and we headed to the Sierra de Maria. Prior to getting to the La Piza forest cafe we only managed to see Collared Dove and Spotless Starlings in Maria town. Once at the cafe we loaded the bird feeders with peanuts and sat down to observe with a coffee. It was sunny but there was a cold wind. Nigel spotted a Long-tailed Tit on the nuts as Trevor and Paul arrived. They had seen Griffon Vultures and a Magpie en route. I added a Great Tit. Richard and Peter arrived having seen House Sparrow and a Sardinian Warbler. Richard added seeds and nuts to the bird's breakfast. We all settled down with our coffees. Nigel saw a Blue Tit, Richard a Crested Tit. We were joined by Seamus, Linda and a very well behaved Lottie. Also seen were Robin, Jay, Chaffinch and Coal Tit. A pair of Raven flew over.
We drove along the loop. Didn't see anything in the forest area. The fields only provided Greenfinch and Linnet. Nigel had a Crested Lark as we approached the village. As we parked up there was a small flock of Serin. Peter and Richard had also seen a Carrion Crow. Two black birds flew over the village. Red-billed Chough.
Griffon Vultures (PHOTO: David Binns-Elliott) |
We carried along the track seeing more Linnet and Goldfinch flocks. I had just said to Nigel we hadn't seen any Stonechats when a likely suspect perched on a roadside thistle. But, no. Very surprisingly, it was a Whinchat! Very early! We saw a couple of small flumes of soaring Griffon Vultures. Trevor saw a White Wagtail. (Apologies for missing off your Chaffinch last week!). As we approached the cliff face a Griffon Vulture was perched on top, but flew off as we got closer. As we got out of our vehicles, Nigel spotted three Griffons on the slope to our right. They eventually flew off. We walked to the far side of the cliff. A pair of Black Wheatears made an appearance as did a Hoopoe.
En route to the hamlet we only added a Kestrel to the list. Richard and Peter saw a Stonechat. At the hamlet I spotted two Griffon Vulture against the high clouds. They were minute. Must've been about 4,000ft above us! Linda found a Griffon sitting in a field about 400m from us. As we left, there was a Corn Bunting perched on a rock.
We adjourned back to the La Piza cafe for lunch. We added Crossbill and a Blackbird. That completed our list for the day. 30 species. Not bad. Great company. Nigel saw a Kestrel as we headed for Velez Blanco.
Crossbill (PHOTO: David Binns-Elliott) |
News re Paul. He's now back home with a stent fitted. Wish him a speedy recovery.
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Binns - Elliott ??????