Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Cabo de Gata with the Arboleas Birding Group

Wednesday 26 February

What a day, Dave!  Never mind the lower than expected number of species you had a Spotted Redshank as a special and then those Marsh Sandpipers to top the lot!  Like many before and after you, you'll probably have to wait years before you see your next Marsh Sandpiper.  No doubt the bird was a "lifer" form many of those present and, indeed, possibly also the Spotted R4dshank.  Now that really is a memory to savour for months to come.  Many years since I last saw a Marsh Sandpiper and that was down at barbate on the Atlantic coast.  Just about over the cold I picked up at the end of last week whilst up in the Baltic so hoping to be back in the New Forest in the morning and having another shot at finding the local Lesser Spotted Woodpecker before carrying on to Blashford Lakes.

Cabo de Gata  -  Wednesday 26th February

Nigel and I left Arboleas at stupid o'clock and headed south towards the Cabo de Gata as I wanted to go round the rear of the bird reserve.  As we approached Retamar Sur we saw a Magpie.  Through the houses we added Collared Doves and Nigel spotted a White Wagtail.  Through Pujaire Spotless Starlings were seen and as we passed the first hide we saw Greater Flamingos on the salinas.  Driving adjacent to the beach Nigel saw a Sardinian Warbler.

Cabo de Gata church in the early morning sunshine (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

We then commenced to do the rear track, the state of which convinced Nigel he wouldn't be taking his smart SUV round there!  Nothing on the first two salinas.  We drove up to the ancient goat water station, seeing Thekla Larks en route.  The early morning sun lit up the church and the salinas.  We could see Yellow-legged and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.  Further along the track we saw a single Kentish Plover, some Shelduck and Avocets.  That was all we saw, so we were disappointed.

Kentish Plover (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

We made our way to the first hide.  The others had yet to arrive.  A scan produced, apart from the Greater Flamingos, Grey Heron, Avocet, Black-winged Stilt and a pair of Little Egret.  I found three waders on the rocky "causeway".  Slender, light green legs, slim, straight bills.  Definitely not chunky enough for Greenshank and no up pointing bills.  Having consulted "Senor Collins", him and I came to the conclusion they were Marsh Sandpipers.  Had seen one on the reserve with Norman many, many years ago!  Nigel found a line of nine Glossy Ibis with a Grey and Ringed Plovers nearby.  On the water we had Mallard and Slender-billed Gulls.  A pair of Jackdaw flew over. I briefly saw a couple of Curlew on the savannah.  We also added Cormorant and a Spotted Redshank.  We were joined by Peter 1&2, Phil, Richard 1&2 and Maria.  They all managed to see the Marsh Sandpipers.  Peter 1 also found some Curlew Sandpipers and a Little Stint.  By this time Nigel and I were gasping for a coffee so we all headed to the Cabo village cafe.

Marsh Sandpiper (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

Suitably refreshed we convoyed to the second hide.  A Seawatch produced nothing.  We trundled to the hide.  Walking on soft sand does my hips and back no good at all.  I didn't have my sherpa (young Trevor!) to carry my scope either this week!  We only added a single Spoonbill to the list.

The public hide was not much better but I did find a couple of Black-necked Grebes and some Black-headed Gulls.  "Danke" to the German birder who pointed out a Yellow Wagtail on one of the islands! Richard spotted a Crested Lark.

Glossy Ibis with a Grey Plover to the left (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

32 species seen! Not great, but the Marsh Sandpipers made up for the low number.  Great day, great weather in very good company.

For the latest news follow the Axarquia Birds and Wildlife Facebook page for more photos and comments and the opportunity to share with the wider birding world.

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