Yesterday morning we had over sixty Honey Buzzards moving southwards above and to the rear of the house as they crossed Lake Vinuela. All came in a twenty minute period either side of 8am.
All quiet this morning with much cloud but the weather cleared up in the afternoon and withe increasing heat came a light breeze. Just reclining and letting the roast lamb settle when my neighbour, who had joined us for a late lunch, spotted a big bird high in the sky behind my back. Binoculars quickly in hand it turned out to be a dozen Honey Buzzards but on closer inspection I picked out, even at a great height, a single Booted Eagle. Now looking at some of the very quick shots that I managed to obtain, a couple (look to the bottom of the appropriate photograph) look more like Black Kites. Anyone want to offer an opinion?
Observation was not helped as the bird came closer but soared even higher when they were suddenly joined by a good flock of House Martins. Again, an interloper was spotted; a Common Swift. And then, would you believe it, a couple of Alpine Swifts were also present with their long scythe-like wings and white breasts. Fabulous way to relax after lunch, even if it was approaching 5.50pm.
Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information.
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