Wednesday 28 August
Today is the first of four days in which we have been promised rain and even lightening. Overcast with a few breaks early on so I took the chance to drive up the mountain to the walk the old railway track at
Ventas de Zafarraya before the onslaught. Strange that because, on returning to the car and signs of bigger breaks in the clouds and it getting quite warm and sunny, I decided to press on via the "Magpie Woods" to take a look at the circular route on the other side of Zafarraya followed by a quick hop over to the pantaneta at
Alhama de Granada and, finally, a drive down the mountain track through the Sierra Tejeda, stoping at both picnic sites, to
Alcaucin before heading home. Told Jenny I could be gone for maybe as little as an hour if it rained or, if not, maybe a couple of hours or so. Still thinking about to explain away over five hours! I even had time for a swim and, late afternoon, the rain has still not come. Perhaps it was just a vicious rumour!
Moulting Rock Bunting Escribano Montesino Emberiza cia |
Distant Peregrine Falco peregrinus |
The usual
Thekla Larks, House Sparrows,
Stonechats going down the mountain where I passed through the
Barn Swallows and on through Los Romanes to the lake and so on up the mountain to the pass at Ventas de Zafarray to walk the railway tack up and through the tunnel and on to the ruined track-side building before retracing my steps. Greeted by more
House Sparrows and
Collared Doves, the first bird of interest was a distant
Black Wheatear and then a rather scruffy looking
Rock Bunting in a sate of moult. From here on there were numerous sightings of small charms of
Goldfinches including many juveniles still without their red blaze. The first of a handful of
Stonechats put in an appearance quickly followed by another, closer,
Black Wheatear and then the first of many
Blue Rock Thrushes seen on this walk. As well as the
Blue Rock Thrushes, I even had a male
Blackbird flip past below me. Meanwhile, having caught a short glimpse of a
Peregrine Falcon swooping round the cliff face, I looked at an odd "lump" on the top of the cliff on the return walk and, jut to be sure, took a couple of very long distance shots. Quite please to note on putting same on the computer that it was, indeed, a record shot of the, presumably, same
Peregrine. The only other bird recorded on the walk back was a single
Crag Martin. Where are all the others? And no sign of a Chough anywhere.
The lovely Bee-eater Abejaruco Europeo Merops apiaster |
Next it was to the "
Muck Heap", nothing to be seen and then on through the
Magpie Woods where, again, there was no sign of an Azure-winged magpie. Turning left at the bottom I travelled out through the arable fields where I did find
Spotless Starlings and a
Thekla Lark along with a single
Kestrel but nothing else other than a score of
Wood Pigeons. Then I took the left turn at the far end to complete a clockwise circuit of the sierras behind Zafarraya. Not as many birds as I expected but I did come across two large flocks of
Bee-eaters, one at each end, along with a
Hoopoe and a pair of
Common Magpies. The other interesting discovery was the number of
Northern Wheatears to be seen, a hunting
Kestrel and, finally, a female
Black Redstart.
Juvenile Woodchat Shrike Alcaudon Comun Lanius senator |
Returning by road to, eventually, continue on my way to
Alhama de Granada for a quick look at the pantaneta, I cam across a rather lovely juvenile
Woodchat Shrike that remained long enough for me to get off a distant shot. The water itself was relatively quiet with a couple of
Little Grebes and a little more than a handful of both
Common Coots and
Common Pochards. Over the water the hirundines feasted away and comprised mainly of
Barn Swallows with a few
House Martins. But then I found at least half a dozen
Red-rumped Swallows in the feeding hirundines. Leafing the site, I stopped long enough at the start of the gorge walk to look into the drainage channel and found a couple of
Grey Wagtails.
Time to rest for this male Crossbill Piquituerto Comun Loxia curvirostra |
The journey back to Ventas de Zafarraya duly produced a trio of Azure-winged Magpies and on taking the mountain track down to Alcaucin the upper picnic site had good numbers of
Crossbills present with a small family of
Serins nearby. The lower picnic area eventually produced a handful of
Crossbills in the usual Eucalyptus tree and then they were joined by a very yellow member - but appearing somewhat smaller. No scope so a photograph was taken to help me when I got back home. Have a look at the "mystery" photograph where you can compare the sizes but it does not represent the very yellow of the smaller bird. Me thinks it must be a
Melodious Warbler gone high to see what the other birds were doing in the top of the tree! Then it was off home collecting a
Chaffinch on the way.
Birds seen:
Pochard, Little Grebe, Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, Coot, Rock Dove, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Thekla Lark, Crag Martin, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Red-rumped Swallow, Grey Wagtail, Black Redstart, Stonechat, Northern Wheatear, Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, Blackbird, Melodious Warbler, Woodchat Shrike, Azure-winged Magpie, Magpie, Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Serin, Goldfinch, Rock Bunting.
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Juvenile Serin Verdecillo Serinus serinus |
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Stonechat Tarabilla Comun Saxicola torquatus |
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Can this be an inquisitive Melodious Warbler Zarcero Comun Hippolais polyglotta to the right of the Crossbills? |
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