Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Sierra de Maria with the Arboleas Birding Group

 Wednesday 22 January 

I noted immediately that the camera was back in action once more and what a bird to start with!  I think I will not be seeing a Griffon Vulture back in Blighty and a long drive to pick up a Red-billed Chough (Cornwall) but most of he others are always a possibility.  No Iberian Shrike this week for you but back here we area seeing a lot of Long-tailed Tits so many have survived the winter despite the snow, frost and floods.  For me, today was the sight of my first Hawfinch since back in Spain maybe five years ago but, I must admit, it seems a shame that you longer get to regularly see a Corn Bunting.

Sierra de Maria  - Wednesday 21st January

Was Billy no Mates again (Do I need to change my deodorant?) as I headed to the Sierra de Maria. There was high cloud and it was a bit hazy on the peaks.  The temperature wasn't too bad, 9c.  I only saw some Spotless Starlings before I reached the La Piza forest cafe.  I was greeted by a flock of about 12 Crossbills chirping away high in the trees. The bird feeders were empty and, when I arrived, there was no bread out.  After I got my coffee the barman brought out a load of waste bread which he dumped near the water pool.  Almost immediately some Chaffinches came to peck at the bread as did a Great Tit and Robin.  I was joined by Richard and Peter.  They had logged a Woodpigeon.  Next came Michael, Karen, Trevor and Val.  Richard kindly checked over my camera!

Having had our coffees, we convoyed around the loop with me leading and the others following.  I saw some Collared Doves as we passed through the forest zone.  On the agricultural area I spotted a large bird of prey flying low to my right.  An adult Golden Eagle.  It had disappeared over a ridge before the others caught up.  I carried on and my jaw dropped as a House Martin flew across in front of my truck. It was only about 5 metres ahead of me so there was no doubt.  I know some overwinter near the coast, but not up in the mountains!  I also saw a White Wagtail before we got to the village.  Michael and Karen had seen a Carrion Crow.  Richard added a Thekla Lark and Trevor a Raven.  There was a charm of Goldfinches feeding on the field margins.  Carrying on I saw a large group of Goldfinches in a tree together with at least one Corn Bunting.  At the ruined building on the left I spotted a Little Owl perched on a rock.

Trevor and I both spotted some low level Griffon Vultures in the distance.  By the time we'd driven to the scene they had climbed a bit.  We counted 12 in total.   As I approached the cliff face I saw a Griffon Vulture land on the rocks to the left.  A pair of Jackdaw flew over.  We carried on.  I added Magpie, Greenfinch, Stonechat and a pair of Red-billed Chough.  Those two were completely overshadowed by the 100+ Chough feeding on a ploughed field enroute to the hamlet.  Also seen were large flocks of Chaffinch and White Wagtails.

Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

We didn't see anything at the hamlet until two birds flew over....Black Bellied Sandgrouse.  Then a Raven appeared.  The plain was virtually devoid of birdlife apart from a Black Redstart.  We stopped at the water trough.  Linnets were added to the list.

We adjourned to the La Piza cafe for lunch.  Saw the same birds as previously until we were on the point of heading home when Richard saw both Long-tailed and Crested Tit.

A good day was had by all. 26 species in all.  Very lucky with the weather!
Regards, Dave

And look what's below!!! Yay!!!

For the latest news follow the Axarquia Birds and Wildlife Facebook page for more photos and comments and the opportunity to share with the wider birding world.

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