Sunday 11 August 2024

Warsash and Solent Shore

Saturday 10 August

Out just after 10 to walk along the Warsash shore and on down to the Solent.  Still a good breeze but dry and cloudy albeit warming up by the time I was making my return walk back to Warsash.  As soon as on the shore a number of both Black-headed Gulls and Black-tailed Godwits along with a few Redshank, a pair of Oystercatchers and a sole Curlew.  Eight Carrion Crows were foraging on the beach and, approaching the School of Navigation pier the first Little Egret of the morning and a distant Heron.

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa

Once beyond the pier scores of feeding Black-tailed Godwits and a couple of Herring Gulls.  Then it was on the Solent and the mudflats beyond the Spit held in excess of an hundred Oystercatchers with more flying in  as the tide gradually started its return journey.

Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta

Reaching the Scrape I found 17 Canada Geese and 15 Avocets along with both a Little Grebe and a moulting Shelduck.  Still a number of Black-headed Gulls about and a few Mallards before I not only found a couple of Moorhen but also a very distant Common Sandpiper on the narrow wooden ledge near the gathered Canada Geese.  And as I was about to move on the disturbance above proved to be a Common Tern being mobbed by another Black-headed Gull.  Continuing on down towards the Meandering Pool a Linnet was posed atop a bramble bush and, passing through the gorse area, not only more Linnets but also a quartet of Greenfinch.

Linnet Carduelis cannabina

Just  handful of Black-tailed Godwits on the meandering pool and making my way back I came across a male Stonechat in the gorse field.  Approaching the Spit a couple of House Sparrows and then a Pied Wagtail.  Looking across to the Spit not only had eight Little Egrets come to rest alongside a Heron but also a pair of Great Black-backed Gulls.  Five Woodpigeon near the pier and then a hovering Kestrel as I approached Strawberry Fields giving a final total of 26 species for the couple of hours.

Common Tern Sterna hirundo

Birds seen:

Canada Goose, Shelduck, Mallard, Little Grebe, Little Egret, Heron, Kestrel, Moorhen, Oystercatcher, Avocet, Black-tailed Godwit, Knot, Curlew, Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Common Tern, Woodpigeon, Pied Wagtail, Stonechat, Carrion Crow, Starling, House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Linnet.

And the "mystery bird" would appear to be confirmed as a Knot!

Mystery wader - please help
Smaller then a Redshank but almost the front colouring of a summer plumage Black-tailed Godwit.  Mixing with both at water's edge. (Approximate 150 metres away)

Scrape island with resting Avocets, Mallards and Black-headed Gulls

Canada Geese Branta canadensis

Distant Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos (left of geese)

Gathering of the Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris

For the latest news follow the Axarquia Birds and Wildlife Facebook page for more photos and comments and the opportunity to share with the wider birding world.

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