Wednesday 19 June 2024

Villaricos & Vera Playa with the Arboleas Birding Group

 Wednesday 19 June 

Good to see the Arboleas BirdingGroup out and about again and recording a respectable tally for the day.  I especially like the thought of two Iberian Grey Shrikes and as for the reference to Iceland it reminded me that this time last week four of us were making our last call in "real" Iceland with a visit to Akureyri on the northern coast.  Now up to date with my local visits since returning last Friday and about to start on processing the photos from our northern cruise, especially the fabulous day on Shetland visiting the birding colony at Sumburgh Head.  Watch this space over the coming days, etc.

Bee-eater (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

Villaricos & Vera Playa: Wednesday 19th June

After last weeks trip to Villaricos was postponed due to a stormy weather forecast, which actually missed us, we decided to try again!  I picked up Juda from La Alfoquia service station and headed to the Rambla de Almanzora, joining it just past the Desert Springs golf complex.  After the recent rains there were some large pools spread around.  The first weir produced Little Grebe and Mallard.  House Sparrows, Jackdaws and Barn Swallows were flying around.  Further along Juda spotted a Black-winged Stilt, but trumped her sighting with 10 Glossy Ibis.  Another weir produced a Moorhen.  "Land" birds included Magpie, Crested Lark, Bee-eater, Goldfinches and a couple of Iberian Grey Shrikes.  As we got to opposite the sewage works, the water dried up so we didn't see anything further till we got to the dried up ford parking area where Kevin, Troy and Peter 1 were waiting for us.

Glossy Ibis (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

As well as some of our sightings Kevin had logged Red-rumped Swallow and House Martin.  Troy added a Kestrel.  As we waited for anyone else to arrive...I'd forgotten Trevor had told me he was unavailable!.... I spotted Spotless Starling  and Woodpigeon.  Some Common Swifts flew over.  Kevin added a Blackbird.  As we left I noticed a perched Collared Dove (posh pigeon!).

What with numerous campervans and the start of the holiday season there was very little at the beach. Juda found a Little Egret on the rocks.  A Yellow-legged Gull flew in off the sea.  We moved round to the far side of the estuary.  Again we struggled to find any birds.  I saw a pair of Greenfinches.  Juda was first to spot the overflying Night Heron and the only wader, a Kentish Plover.  We (and Merlin) heard Reed Warblers singing from the reeds.  I happened to do a scan out to sea where numerous ships were moored, waiting to load gypsum from Garrucha harbour and there between them and us were at least 3 Balearic Shearwaters flying low over the water as they do.

Cattle Egret (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

After refreshing drinks at the "Shark" cafe in Villaricos we headed to the dual carriageway opposite the Consum supermarket at the back of Vera Playa.  They overlook the Salar shallow pools.  Apart from seeing Jacky waiting for us, I noticed the numerous Greater Flamingos.  Jacky had seen an Avocet amongst the Black-winged Stilts and Moorhens.  Considering the amount of rain in the past week, I was surprised the water level had dropped leaving more mudflats.  Only a few Kentish Plovers were seen.  I added a Black-headed Gull as Jacky found some male Little Bitterns flitting and flying around.  Good views especially for Juda as they were lifers for her.  Kevin found a Slender-billed Gull.  A Cattle Egret flew over towards the "new" heronry.  We heard a Zitting Cistacola.  I found a couple of Common Pochard on the distant spit.  We were joined by Peter 2. 

Slender-billed Gull (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

We moved round to the elevated viewing platform opposite the very busy Aguaparc.   The heronry to the left had been abandoned apart from one Cattle Egret nest.  The others had moved, presumably due to the bad weather, to a reed bed to our right. There were numerous Cattle Egret nests plus singles or doubles of Little Egret, Squacco Heron, Glossy Ibis and Night Heron.  Kevin found some female/young White-headed Ducks and some Coot.  A Kestrel flew over.  Peter 2 added a Black-necked Grebe.  Juda and I left for Iceland, no not the country.  Soon after we left a Purple Swamphen appeared.  Later Jacky added a Shoveler from the other elevated hide.

Squacco Heron (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

All in all a good mornings birding in good company.  We ended with 42 species.

For the latest news follow the Axarquia Birds and Wildlife Facebook page for more photos and comments and the opportunity to share with the wider birding world.

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