Saturday 20 May 2023

Rambla de Almanzora and Vera Playa

Saturday 20 May

Finally time to post Dave's report of his and the Arboleas Birding Group's visit to the Rambla de Almanzora and Vera player last Wednesday.  Arriving back in Spain on the same day I seem to have been up to my proverbials in visiting Barbate, down near Tarifa, by way as a reintroduction to Spanish birding, and very good it was too!

Rambla de Almanzora & Vera Playa: Wednesday 17th May 2023

I was on my own driving down towards the Rambla de Almanzora.  I had to go via the Palomares Repsol garage as one of my tyres had very low air pressure.  Suitably inflated I headed in the direction of Villaricos and turned left towards our meeting place.  It being very early I passed by, noting Kevin's campervan parked there.  Along that road I saw Collared Dove and Woodpigeon.  I turned left, passing Richard and Maria's house (Long time since we saw you!).  Once onto the rambla's embankment track, I added an Iberian Grey Shrike on a power line, House Sparrow, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Spotless Starling, Sardinian Warbler and Magpie.  I spotted a Bee-eater in a shrub and another Iberian Grey Shrike in another.  I then noticed a bird running away from me.  A Stone Curlew.  Very nice.  Next I added Crested Lark and Blackbird.  The star was a circling Night Heron near to where I anticipated Kevin should've been.  Before I reached the ford I added Mallard and Red-rumped Swallow.  The ford only contained a couple of Moorhen.  

I parked up next to Kevin's empty van.  I could hear a Nightingale singing.  I added Yellow-legged Gull and Common Swift before the others began to arrive.  I was joined by Barrie and Beryl, Peter 1 and 2, Trevor, Michael and Karen.  A pair of Kestrels flew past as did two Hoopoes.

Kevin walked down from the sewage plant direction. Seeing a lot of what I'd seen, but added Goldfinch, White Wagtail, Chiffchaff, Common Sandpiper, Black-winged Stilt, Common Pochard and Little Grebe. ( He missed the Night Heron!)  I ummed and ahhed as to whether we'd retrace his steps and I'm really glad I said yes.  As we walked towards the sewage plant, two Turtle Doves flew up the rambla.  We saw the same as Kevin did at the large pool.  On the opposite side, on the rambla we added Little Ringed Plover.  Alan and I spotted a bird perched on a shrub on the far embankment.  Once we got the scopes on it we were more than delighted to see a Rufus Bush Robin.  It's been many years since I saw one (Morocco 2019).  To many it was a lifer.

We returned to the vehicles and went for a celebratory coffee in Villaricos.  We then headed to the beach.  Literally the only bird we saw was a solitary Cormorant on the harbour rocks.  We convoyed round to the far side of the estuary.

Kevin spotted a couple of Grey Plovers and some Kentish plovers.  Also seen were Ringed Plovers, Coots, Little Egrets and a Redshank.  Alan found a distant Little Stint.

We moved to the dual carriageway overlooking the shallow pools opposite the Consum supermarket behind Vera Playa.  There were a number of Greater Flamingos, Black-winged Stilts, Mallards, Common Pochard, Coots and Moorhens.  Kevin spotted a White-headed Duck.  Alan was next with a Black-headed Gull.  I added some Shelduck.  Barrie spotted a flying Glossy Ibis.  We had both Black Necked and Little Grebes.  Alan found a Slender-billed Gull when three more appeared nearby.  Barrie found some Sand Martins amongst the House Martins and Barn Swallows.  Peter 1 spotted something white in the far reeds.  It kept showing then disappearing.  Eventually a Squacco Heron flew off.

Alan and Barrie had a long discussion about a solitary marsh tern that was seen.  They concluded it was a Whiskered Tern still in winter plumage.  Alan spotted an adult Night Heron on the far side.
Saying goodbye to Peter 2, we moved around to the viewing platform opposite the Aguavera park.  Still lots of weed (algae) covering the surface.  We saw White-headed Duck, Coots and  Moorhen.  Another Glossy Ibis flew by as did a Jackdaw.  In front of us was a female Red-crested Pochard with some ducklings.  They disappeared towards the reeds.  All of a sudden a Squacco Heron flew off with what appeared to be one of the youngsters in its beak.  Barrie then had an extraordinary sighting for this area. A flying Iberian Green Woodpecker.  Never seen one here before. 

Well, what another great days birding.  That's the beauty of birdwatching.  You never know what will turn up.  We ended up with 53 species.  I'm off for a couple of weeks, so Alan's in charge!

What a great day and full of many splendid sightings.

Bee-eater (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

Iberian Grey Shrike (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

Rufous Bush Robin (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

Slender-billed Gulls (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

Red-crested Pochard and ducklings (PHOTO: David Elliott-Binns)

For the latest news follow the Axarquia Birds and Wildlife Facebook page for more photos and comments and the opportunity to share with the wider birding world.

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