Collared Pratincole Canastera Comun Glariola pratincola |
April field meeting of the Andalucia Bird Society
With the
ABS holding its April meeting down at Tarifa today, it seemed most appropriate to travel down yesterday, meet up with friends Derek and Barbara Etherton and enjoy a full day's birding at La Janda and Barbara followed by an overnight stay at the latter before meting up with 30+ members this morning. Before joining the main group below the cliff slightly east of Tarifa to checkout incoming raptors and small migrants, a very small group of us drive down to the nearby car park to both see and hear the lovely song of the resident
Common Bulbul which were accompanied by feeding
Common and
Pallid Swifts overhead along with both
Common and
Lesser Kestrels, not to mention the usual
Spotless Starlings,
House Sparrows,
Collared and
Rock Doves.
Friday 8 April
White Storks both driving through San Roque and then as I entered
La Janda. Driving down the track was like travelling through an avenue of
Corn Buntings and
Stonechats, many of the latter already with fully grown youngsters. Also recorded on this initial stretch of track down to the canal were
Crested Lark,
Zitting Cisticola and
Sardinian Warbler. A stop to check out a small field pool on the right produced a
Little Ringed Plover and a pair of
Red-legged Partridges making their way, it appeared, towards the pool. I could hear but not see small numbers of
Bee-eaters passing overhead but on reaching the canal and parking up more came across and this time with a few feet of the ploughed field to the left.
Lots of Corn Buntings Triguero Emberiza calandra to be seen |
On and near the canal were a couple of
Moorhen and a small number of
Mallards but, perhaps, the best sight was that of a single
Squacco Heron. A
Grey Heron flew over and there were numerous
Cattle and
Little Egrets to be seen.
Common Swifts and
Barn Swallows above and then the first
Purple Swamphen to the right and a
Pheasant a long way from its usual territory on the opposite bank.
Male Stonechat Tarabilla Comun Saxicola torquatus with food for youngsters |
Now joined by Barbara and Derek we soon added a first, for me,
Purple Heron of the year and a
Booted Eagle was seen above. Next up the first
Marsh Harrier of the day and, on the track itself, numerous
Goldfinches, the occasional
Serin and more
Crested Larks. In the distance we could see the main pools to the left and a number of
White Storks and many
Little Egrets and
Black-winged Stilts. Also present up to a score of
Glossy Ibis.
Jackdaws began to appear on the pylons along with
Common Kestrels and the first of very many
Woodchat Shrikes.
First Purple Heron Garza Imperial Ardea purpurea of the year |
The rive down the avenue after turning right to cross the water produced many
Cattle Egrets at their nest sites along with good-sized charms of
Goldfinches along with a couple of over-passing
Wood Pigeons. More
Pheasants and
Red-legged Partridges as we made our way up to and past the "smelly farm" along with its accompanying
Jackdaw and
Rock Dove residents.
Rat Rata Parda Rattus norvegicus up a tree and, presumably, predating the Cattle Egret nests |
But it is he area immediately beyond the farm that always seems to produce the goods, especially in terms of raptors. The pair of
Little Owls were resting on their "usual" rock and then good numbers of
Black Kites along with both
Common and
Lesser Kestrels, a
Short-toed Eagle and a few
Griffon Vultures. A most handsome male
Montagu's Harrier might have been the top choice had we not found the soaring
Spanish Imperial Eagle high above us as it gradually drifted away westwards. To add to the selection a lone
Raven also moved across the field.
Male Montagu's Harrier Aguilucho Cenizo Circus pygargus |
Distant view of the Spanish Imperial Eagle Aguila Imperial Iberica Aquila adalberti |
Soon time to make our way over to Barbate to check in at our hotel before exploring the marismas but not before also adding
Blue-headed Wagatil and a
Whitethroat along with the many
Corn Buntings that adorned the wires on the exit track. Then it was an obvious stop at Barca to checkout the small
Bald Ibis colony and, my word, even in the breeding plumage finery these are still ugly birds! But, as I keep repeating, their mothers love them.
The now established Bald Ibis Ibis Ererita Geronticus eremita |

Arriving at the
Barbate marismas we immediately had more
Corn Buntings,
Crested Larks and
Blue-headed Wagtails along with the first on many
Linnets. A handful of
Collared Pratincoles landed close by and even a single
Kentish Plover decided that the side of the track would be a good place to take an early evening stroll.
Kentish Plover Chorlitejo Patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus |
With the tide full in very few waders were to be seen but we did pick up, apart from more Black-winged Stilts,
Redshank and
Greenshank along with a
Grey Plover and a small number of
Sanderling. A single
Cormorant put in an appearance and on the water itself we found
Yellow-legged Gulls,
Flamingos and a few
Spoonbill along with
Little Egrets and
Grey Herons. Above us both
House Martin and
Red-rumped Swallow and a couple of
Stone Curlews were found on their island. Yesterday's
Great White Egrets were still present but, again, somewhat distant. The only other new bird for the day was a
Calandra Lark further along the track which made a welcome change from all the
Woodchat Shrikes and occasional
Blue-headed Wagtails.
Cattle Egret Garcilla Bueyera Bubulcus ibis |
Saturday 9 April
I have already mentioned the
Common Bulbul and accompanying birds in Tarifa itself and the coastal area was a little disappointing in terms of migrant raptors. Indeed, just a couple of
Short-toed Eagles. We did have
Stonechats and a couple of
Northern Wheatears along with a
Tawny Pipit before moving further along and recording
Woodchat Shrike,
Sardinian Warbler and
Goldfinch. Moving to the observation point we picked up a
Little Owl and a lone
Flamingo through close to the cliff whilst a
Gannet headed east further out to sea.
Crag Martins around the ruins and a single
Whimbrel resting on a rocky islet alongside a pair of
Yellow-legged Gulls. Again, the song and sighting of
Nightingales was very welcome.
Female Linnet Pardillo Comun Carduelis cannabina above with male below |
Time to go. Hey, wait for me! |
After a very short break for a drink and tapa at the Apolo XI bar it was on to a return visit to La Janda. As expected we picked most of the birds seen yesterday including
Spoonbill, masses of
Little Egret and
Grey Heron. The early stages also saw the
Stonechats and
Corn Buntings and very early sightings of both
Moorhen and
Purple Swamphen including at least a handful of the latter.
Yellow (Blue-headed) Wagtail Lavandera Boyera Motacilla flava iberiae of the Iberian race |
The track alongside he canal produced a couple of
Short-toed Eagles and a
Marsh Harrier with both
Barn and
Red-rumped Swallows overhead. Whilst watching a spiralling flock of
White Storks we also recorded a pair of very high
Peregrine Falcons. Good numbers of both
Glossy Ibis and
Black-winged Stilts on the flooded field on the left along with the odd
A few of the many Glossy Ibis Morito Comun Plegadis falcinellus to be seen |
More sightings of the nesting
Cattle Egrets as we drive down the avenue and then, at the stream, first a distant
Montagu's Harrier and then a large circling raptor. Following the bird down to the tree tops we than found a large, resting raptor ion a distant pylon and closer inspection with telescopes revealed a
Spanish Imperial Eagle for all to see. Close by we all got the sight, at last, of both
Red-legged Partridge and
The mighty Griffon Vulture Buitre Leonado Gyps fulvus |
Again, it was dehesa land beyond the smelly farm that produced the goods. More
Common and
Lesser Kestrels along with regular sightings of both
Black Kites and
Montagu's Harrier along with
Griffon Vulture. A
Buzzard wandered into sight and there were jackdaws, not to mention the resident pair of
Little Owls to be seen. A
Booted Eagle was spotted and then all dashed to the side of the road as a male
Cuckoo flew across and beyond the road to our left. The final icing on the proverbial cake as I started on the return journey was to locate both the
Subalpine and
Melodious Warblers found by Derek and Barbara.
Finally a sighting of the Bee-eaters Abejaruco Europeo Merops apiaster |
Leaving the area to hurry home, I was already running thirty minutes late, I made the occasional stop to check out the trees and picked up
Spanish Sparrow along with a small flock of
Bee-eaters on the wires but no
Black-winged Kite this week-end. And the final tally for the week-end a most pleasing 80+ species.
The ever-present Woodchat Shrike Alcaudon Comun Lanius senator |
Birds seen:
Mallard, Shoveler, Red-legged Partridge, Pheasant, Gannet, Cormorant, Squacco Heron, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Glossy Ibis, Bald Ibis, Great White Egret, Grey Heron, Purple heron, White Stork, Spoonbill, Flamingo, Black Kite, Griffon Vulture, Short-toed Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Montagu's Harrier, Spanish Imperial Eagle, Booted Eagle, Buzzard, Lesser Kestrel, Common Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, Water Rail, Moorhen, Purple Swamphen, Coot, Black-winged Stilt, Avocet, Stone Curlew, Collared Pratincole, Little Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Grey Plover, Sanderling, Whimbrel, Redshank, Greenshank, Yellow-legged Gull, Calandra Lark, Crested Lark, Crag Martin, Barn Swallow, Red-rumped Swallow, House martin, Tawny Pipit, Blue-headed wagtail, Nightingale, Stonechat, Northern Wheatear, Blackbird, Cetti's warbler, Zitting Cisticola, Reed Warbler, Melodious Warbler, Sardinian Warbler, Whitethroat, Woodchat Shrike, Jackdaw, Raven, Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Spanish Sparrow, Serin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Rock Bunting, Corn Bunting.
And so goodbye to the Cattle Egret Garcilla Bueyera Bubulcus ibis for another year |
Check out the accompanying website at http://www.birdingaxarquia.weebly.com for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information.
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