Wednesday 30 December
At last, I have achieved my magic total of 250 species seen in Spain and at the very last minute, almost literally. Not only reached but, at one point, I thought beaten with last minute sighting. I am not expecting to do any birding today on New Year's Eve, a final total of 250. But who's counting? Well I am! And the funny thing is that the target was achieved almost at the very end of my visit and quite unexpectedly.
Up early and off to the
Guadalhorce in Malaga with the sun shining down from a clear blue sky and not a cloud in sight in any direction. The sea was like a mill pond but, on the other hand, the early morning temperature was actually colder than yesterday's cloudy start. Arriving at the mouth of the western canal of the Guadalhorce a quick look at the beach and sea revealed a small number of
Cormorants and a small flock of
Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
White Wagtails,
Blackbirds and
House Sparrows around me and, as ever, already the raucous
Monk Parakeets informing all and sundry that they were up and out to play. On the river eight
Pochard were paddling quietly upstream and, no doubt, considering whether or not it was time to pop in he reserve and enjoy one of the lagunas (there was certainly plenty of water to be seen when I eventually got there.) Next it was up to the main entry to the track leading up to the footbridge into the reserve and park the car. Passing a
Robin and the just the odd
Coot on the river and the resident
Rock Doves under the motorway bridge but further upstream a large gathering of
Cormorants were resting on the water.
Male White-headed Duck Malvasia Cabeciblanca Oxyura leucocephala |
Walking over to the Laguna Casillas hide I had the first of many
Stonechat sightings plus at least fifty
Cormorants flying in low overhead, presumably form the river I had just crossed, and was then greeted by a small flock of
White-headed Ducks, along with a number of
Coots, immediately in front of the hide. A handful of
Little Grebes were bust feeding and were almost immediately joined by the arrival of a dozen
Teal. A
Moorhen paddled across and the first of the
Chiffchaffs and
Goldfinches that were to be regularly recorded put in an appearance.
Then the Teal Certa Comun Anas crecca arrived |

Next it was the
Wader Pool and here at first sight everything seemed completely empty. However, I eventually found the sleeping
Snipe and the pair of
Stonechats occupying the territory along with more feeding
Chiffchaffs. I am not sure which brought the greater pleasure, the arriving
Greenshank or the
Bluethroat and came out of the shrubbery and posed nicely in the Stonechat's tree.
Cetti's Warblers continued to sing all around me and a
Sardinian Warbler was spotted in a low bush. The first of two sightings of
Greenfinches was behind the hide as I started my walk down to the
Sea Watch to check out the beaches, now freshly cleaned and all debris removed, and the immediate hinterland.
Juvenile Bluethroat Ruisenor Pechiazul Luscinia svecica (above) [note the lack of a white spot in the centre of the bib] and male Stonechat Tarabilla Comun Saxicola torquatus (below) |
What I did notice was that there was not one single bird on the old river, Rio Viejo. Nada, nothing and the first time that that has been may experience when visiting the Guadalhorce. Also a first, during the while time I was present on the reserve I saw not one Little Egret. On the other hand, approaching the beach I had first a
Black Redstart and then
Meadow Pipits. To my left on the western canal was a quite large flock of
Black-headed Gulls and the
Cormorants continued to move back and forth into and out of the reserve. With fishermen either side of the Sea watch and a digger working on the "sand" away to my left nothing to see out at sea so I mad my way back where a final visit to Laguna Casillas turned up something special. Busy watching the
Teals and
White-headed Ducks which had taken shelter I suddenly had ten
Common Pochard drop onto the water but a closer look through the bins revealed that only eight were
Pochards as they were accompanied by a pair of
Ferrugnous Ducks. Lovely to watch them bathing in a natural setting.
Ferruginous Duck Porron Pardo Aythya nyroca and with female Pochard Porron Europeo Aythya ferina (below) |

Then it was on to the
Laguna Escondida passing a couple of
Zitting Cisticolas on the way but, again, this water had very little bird life. A handful of
White-headed Ducks and a couple of
Little Grebe just about summed it up. Another disappointment was not seeing the Black-headed Bunting that can often be found here if anywhere on the reserve so still no number 250 for the year. On the other hand I did see my first
Crag Martins of the morning.
Cattle Egret Garcilla Bueyera Bubulcus ibis at the Laguna Grande |
Finally to the
Laguna Grande and the main hide. Again, lots of water and very little feeding area for any waders which probably explains why I saw none until I found the quartet of
Greenshank sheltering on the small island to the back left along with some
Cormorants. Indeed, I pot a better view when a passing Marsh harrier happened by and put the waders up for a short spell until all was quiet. This also led to me finding a pair of
Lapwing sheltering on the ground to their right as I looked from the hide. On the water many
Little Grebes but also a pair of
Back-necked Grebes. A small number of
Shoveler were about plus a trio of
Shelduck and, finally, three
Mallards appeared in the centre of the water for a few minutes and then disappeared about as quickly as they had arrived.
Black-necked Grebe Zampullin Cuelinegro Podiceps nigricollis |
That seemed just about it and whilst looking at the gathered
Collared Doves in the trees to my left I realised that there was no Booted Eagle this morning and I had not seen a single
Spotless Starling. Scores and scores of
Cormorants and two or three
Herons but no Little egret. Five
Cattle Egrets ventured out over the
Cormorant colony on a couple of occasions and they were obviously resting some where at the back. It must have been my wishful thinking as no sooner had I thought of the
Spotless Starlings than about a dozen turned up in a tree to my left and on closer inspection discovered that the group also included a couple of
Common Starlings. A last close look at the trees to the back of the water through the scope picked up a small raptor low down in the greenery. A clear look at its darkish head and "streaked" chest but seemed to small for a Kestrel. As I watched and started looking for other identification signs the bird dropped down out of the tree but still basically well-hidden and swooped round the back but sufficient time, as I was still looking through the scope, to realise that I had found a roosting
Merlin. Not only my last bird of the day but, low and behold, the magic number
250 for the year. Great, now I can go home happy!
Little Grebe Zampullin Comun Tachybaptus ruficollis in the early morning low sun |
Back at the car and still only 11.55. I wonder?
Fuengirola can only be about twenty minutes away as i am almost on the motorway so I might just as well pop down to the watch point near the light-house on the off-chance that the Purple Sandpiper might still be present at hits regular wintering quarter. leavi9ng camera and scope in the parked car near the bus stop (in the lay-by just off the motorway) I made my way up and over the footbridge. A quick look to the east reveled what appeared to be a small number of waders on the beach about a hundred metres away so decided that I would look here before walking up to the hide. I even managed to get closer having already identified a quinted of
Sanderling, a single
Kentish Plover and a couple of
Turnstones. On arrival behind the crash barrier and looking almost straight down on the birds I watch d a s a
Whimbrel dropped it to feed in and around the rocks.
Sanderlings are very skittish individuals, always jumping here, there and everywhere and running around like headless chickens so nu wonder they have "canutus" as part of their scientific name as they try to keep the sea at bay. But wait a minute, only four of the
Sanderling are behaving in this manner; one has stayed behind happily resting on one leg and taking no notice. At this point it dawned on me that the bird looked a little larger and fatter than the normal
Sanderling and instead of a short black bill had a rather longer, curved appendage. Yes, a winter-plumaged
Curlew Sandpiper. A walk up to the hide not only produced more
Sanderling and
Turnstones but also a single
Ringed Plover to take the morning's tally to
47 birds for I headed home.
Sanderling Correlimos Tridactilo Calidris alba along with a visiting Kentish Plover Chorlitejo Patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus (below) |
Birds seen:
Shelduck, Mallard, Shoveler, Teal, Pochard, Ferruginous Duck, White-headed Duck, Little Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, Cormorant, Cattle Egret, Heron, Marsh Harrier, Merlin, Moorhen, Coot, Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Lapwing, Sanderling, Curlew Sandpiper, Snipe, Whimbrel, Greenshank, Turnstone, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Rock Dove, Collared Dove, Monk Parakeet, Crag Martin, Meadow Pipit, White Wagtail, Robin, Bluethroat, Black Redstart, Stonechat, Blackbird, Cetti's Warbler, Zitting Cisticola, Sardinian Warbler, Chiffchaff, Common Starling, Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Goldfinch.
Time for the Turnstones Vuelvepiedras Comun Arenaria interpres to take their morning ablutions |
Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information.
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