Wednesday 11 November 2015

Arroyo del Marin with John and Jenny

Tuesday 10 November

Whilst I was having a somewhat disappointing drive up the Sierra Loja John was bust writing up his report re Monday's visit to the Arroyo del Marin with wife, Jenny.  Whilst I dipped on all three of my potential target birds I, with much envy, noted that John had a Hawfinch fly over.  Me thinks I will have to drive over again come mid-December.

Arroyo del Marin: Monday 9th November

A very warm day with very little wind.

As we entered the area several Goldfinches left the grasses and thistles, and a few House
Sparrows were noted also.  Down the track we saw Azure-winged Magpies, Serins, Chiffchaffs and a few Robins.  As we turned off the track by the ruin two Great Tits were seen in the bushes and as we got out of the car Hawfinches were heard passing overhead.

Making our way down the upstream path - lots of Large Whites and Speckled Wood butterflies about
here - we heard the Greater Spotted Woodpecker, followed by a sighting a few minutes later. Blackbirds were numerous as were Chaffinches, Great Tits but only one Blue Tit seen all day. A Green Woodpecker called several times from across the stream but no sightings were had, but more sightings of the Greater Spotted Woodpecker were logged. A Short-toed Treecreeper was spotted leaving one of the bare trees to be superceded by a Nuthatch and above the latter a Blackcap began singing.  Just a bit further down a Wryneck called, but then flew off to the other side of the stream into the oak trees on the hillside.

The downstream paths held the same varieties as the upstream with the exception of a Black Redstart, so we moved down to the second ford where we had Long-tailed Tits, Serins, a Sardinian Warbler, Goldfinches and a Grey Heron emerged out of the tall reeds a little downstream of the ford - we never came upon it again.  Coming back up the track at the pull-in just prior to the first ford, we walked up to the ford and here another three Hawfinches were seen, also a male Siskin, two Cirl Buntings and a Wren.  A movement on the cliff face gave us our one and only Blue Rock Thrush of the day as well as a small group of Crag Martins. 

On the way out of Archidonna a Common Kestrel, Collared Doves, Spotless Starlings and a Mistle
Thrush were see.  Not a bad number for three hours -quite hard - birding, and not a single photo to be had.

Certainly interesting to see that there are Hawfinches still about and the first Siskins are starting to arrive. 

Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information.

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