Wednesday 9 September
Here in the High Ardennes, Belgium with our dear friend,
Marieke Berkvens with the hope and belief that, during the coming week we shall
have some wonderful views of the local population of Nutcrackers Nucifraga caryocatactes. Based in an old, converted water mill, Neu
Moulin, on the outskirts of Ruy du Moulin, surrounded by wooded hills with
flowing streams and picturesque stone villages at an approximate altitude of
300 metres, the small population of resident Nutcrackers appeared as the result
of an irruption of the Swiss sub-species of the bird which has a thicker beak
that its Siberian cousin and feeds, unlike the eastern race and its pine seeds,
exclusively on Hazel nuts. These elusive
birds may be heard but are rarely seen outside their coniferous homes until
early September when they spend the whole time gathering Hazel nuts which are
then cached. It is reported that a pair
of Nutcrackers may gather as many as 14,000 nuts and create about 9000
caches. To achieve this result, assuming
that a single bird gathers 7000 individual nuts, the bird, if able to carry a
maximum of fifteen nuts in its throat, then an average total of 12 journeys per
day would be required. Given that the
harvesting period lasts from about 4 September until 13 October, this means
that the birds spend about 50% of their waking hours foraging! Naturally, this average depends upon the
annual harvest of good buts. Unlike Jays
and Squirrels, these amazing birds seem able to find every single cache and this
is their sole basic food supply for the coming twelve months. Indeed, fledged youngsters, which are
produced early in the year, have to be fit and able to find their own nuts by
the coming September.
Common Buzzard Buteo buteo |
And so we set off on a three kilometre circular walk in
calm, sunny weather with hardly a cloud in the sky.
Leaving the valley bottom, we were soon
Wood Pigeons and
Magpies and a lone
Grey Heron drifted up the
Jays were both seen and heard
but, as yet, no
Blue Tits
seemed to be busy in the roadside hedgerows and then, almost on top of us,
Jenny was in time to see the
Honey Buzzard passing over.
Just time for a very quick photograph before
the bird disappeared behind the neighbouring trees.
Hold the press! Now that I have enlarged the "Honey Buzzard" shot (above) I can see that it is actually "only" a Common Buzzard. Well, it was exciting whilst it lasted and, hopefully, there will still be some of the former down at Tarifa this time next week.
A distant bird resting on top was unidentifiable so Marieke
returned to the house to fetch the scope.
Once back with us I returned to retrieve an aid and whilst the bird had
gone she and Jenny did have both a single Nutcracker pass over followed by a
Hobby. Seems my role in birding life is
to return to car and/or house so that others can see the wonderful birds that I
A Common Starling was stationed at the end of the roof of
the local farm and a Raven was feeding in the field below. Continuing along the top road we added a
juvenile Robin just developing its red breast and a pair of Crows. The down a track towards the valley bottom
where the muddy puddles were attracting many Great and Blue Tits, Dunnock and
even a Nuthatch. No shortage of Blackbirds and overhead a Common Buzzard was
making lazy circles in the sky (makes this sound like a relapse into Oklahoma!).
Common Buzzard Buteo buteo |
Reaching the river at the bottom we had Barn
Swallows in the field and then, with more Wood Pigeons and Magpies it was back
to the mill. Immediately opposite we
stopped to watch a quintet of Song Thrushes and a pair of Mistle Thrushes a
further five metres away. A Jay came to
rest and preen and a Red Squirrel scampered along the grass below the spaced
A very distant Jay Garrulus glandarius |
The afternoon was spent reading in glorious warm sunshine
watching the regular visits by both Blackbirds and Blackcaps to the bountiful
supply of berries on the Rowan tree not three metres away. A little later a short drive to a possible
second Nutcracker site produced a White Wagtail, Magpies, Crows and a rather
lovely female Common Redstart. Not a bad
start to lovely week which promises much more to follow. The one concern, however, is that whilst we found many signs
of Nutcracker activity, there appears to have been a poor Hazel nut crop with
many small nuts and even these show signs of infestation; all such nuts having
been discarded. Our Nutcracker is a most
selective creature who only takes the best, a perfectionist. He’s not going to waste his energy on any old
A very hungry Blackbird Turdus merula outside the mill |
And this Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita was also on the look-out for an afternoon snack |
Finally, with the warm sunshine came at least four species
of butterfly including these two.
doubt, I will eventually identify or somebody will let me know.
By the way, in case you are interested, the
eruption from Switzerland took place in 1968, almost fifty years ago, with the
birds finding this area well populated with Hazel trees and nearby pine forests
for both caching their spoils and future breeding.
Arriving in time for the gathering season, a plentiful
supply of food and no obvious predators or competition, it was not surprising
that many adopted their new found territory.
Thursday saw us, unsuccessfully, exploring new areas for the Nutcracker. Lots of
Buzzards and
Red Kites along with
Great and
Blue Tits plus
Dunnock and a calling
Bullfinch and then Friday became THE DAY. An early morning walk produced not only a
Dipper and a pair of bedraggled
Crows, not to mention a pair of
Red Deer, but finally, when almost back at the mill, a large "Starling" flying up the hillside to disappear behind the Hazel hedgerow and no mistaking that Jay-sized brown body with the white spots and thick beak; my very first
The "wet-look" that comes with daybreak for this Carrion Crow Corvus corone |
Another Common Buzzard Buteo buteo |
The handsome Red Kite Milvus milvus |
An early morning appearance of the Red Deer |
This Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris had certainly staked a claim on this roof! |
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