Thursday 26 September 2013

Spanish Bird Day -Día mundial de las Aves 2013

The Spanish "Day of the Birds" - October 2013

As in the past few years, SEO (Spanish Ornithological Society - Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia) will once more be celebrating its birds over the first week-end of October.  The Malaga branch of the Society will , as in past years, be setting out its stall at the Guadalhorce, almost certainly in the area immediately beyond the Laguna Escondida.

The publicity material has come spread over five pages, including maps and illustrations and is, as might be expected, in the native Spanish language.  However, all seems very clear and if necessary, you can stick and paste sections into "google" translate to get a good enough English translation.  If I can find sufficient time, I will try and do the same and paste the results at the end of this blog; so watch out for an update!  (NOTE: Details about Sunday 6 October translated at the end.)

Anyone requiring the original, and much "cleaner" version please email me and I will email the PDF file back by return.

So, if you are going to the Guadalhorce on Sunday 6 October remember that, whilst there will be some practical bird ringing (banding for those form the USA) going on and offering the opportunity to actually see some rather lovely birds in the hand (last year there were Kingfishers, a range of warblers and even a few Wrynecks to be seen) there will also be loads of people about.  Also, remember the current problems with car break-ins so take care where and how you park your car.


Now to think about that translation; well, possible a little!
Sunday 6 October

Birds in Nature at the Mouth of the Guadalhorce
TimeFrom 9:00 to 13:00 hours

Information Bureau.
Birdwatching activities.
Workshops for children.
Open Day demonstrating bird ringing.

Bring binoculars, walking shoes and sun protection.

Facts about the mouth of the Guadalhorce:
Two kilometers before reaching the sea, the Guadalhorce river divides into two branches.
Bounded by these and the sea is an island of 120 hectares. inside which is Paraje
Natural mouth of the Guadalhorce
, included in the network of Natural Areas protected Andalusia. In this island you can find different environments, such as:
an old meander of the river and open land, formerly occupied by crops and tailings, a series of small gaps created by former gravel pits and an unspoiled beach. This diversity allows observed throughout the year to a variety of species.

Birds we can observe:
There have been over 260 different species recorded; you can enjoy in times of passage and
wintering about 80 species in one day. Given the small size of this natural area and its location next to the city of Malaga and the Costa del Sol, is a remarkable fact.
At this time of the year you can see both the first sedentary species such as wintering and migrating birds, so it is a good time to visit the place. Some of the birds we can observe are: Little Egret, Heron, Little Grebe, Shearwater, Spoonbill, Common Pochard, Gadwall, White-headed Duck, stilts, plovers,
Redshank, sandpipers, several species of gulls and terns as well as some raptors (Osprey, Booted Eagle, Marsh Harrier, etc.) and many passerines (Bluethroats, wagtails, warblers, etc.).
Check out the accompanying website at for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information.

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