Sunday 31 December 2023

Happy New Year

Sunday 31 December

Happy new Year One and All

The end of the year has arrived and time to take stock of what was seen and not seen; how many species recorded; favourite sightings, missed opportunities, etc.  But, especially, to think back and recall the many very happy memories meeting friends old and new, friends unable to meet these past twelve months and, for me, to remember those no longer with us and, especially, my dear birding friend from Worksop, Chris Ball.  It seems so many month since his passing and still I expected to receive those regular emails informing  me of what Chris had seen and under what circumstances and hear his comments and opinions about the birds I had recorded. I had the opportunity to meet up with my special birding friends in Spain back in June and I am determined to go north next year and make contact once again with Bryan up in Darlington.

So, to all those birders out there enjoying their birding as they visits sites old and new, may I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year with lots of good birding, many special sightings and the pure enjoyment of being out in the field whatever turns up or not.

Red-legged Partridge photographed at one of my favourite sites in Malaga Province on the border with neighbouring Granada, the woods at El Robledal.  I wonder if the Hawfinch and Nuthatches plus the odd chance of a passing Goshawk or an overhead eagle or vulture still attracts visitors.

Hope to see some of you in 2024

Bob Wright

For the latest news follow the Axarquia Birds and Wildlife Facebook page for more photos and comments and the opportunity to share with the wider birding world.

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