Tuesday 2 June 2015

Rio Velez, Torre del Mar

Monday 1 June

First day of the month and jenny needing a lift into Torre del Mar so what better way to start the birding month than take an hour's stroll down the Rio Velez.  Starting above the old railway bridge I was quickly greeted by both Blackbirds and Collared Doves and no sooner under way and there were regular sightings of Barn Swallows accompanied by continuous singing from the Nightingales below.  The real joy of this first stretch was to find a handsome Grey Wagtail arrive to feed in the clear, shallow water below.  A couple of the local Rock Doves put in appearance and then a small party of Serins.

The lovely Grey Wagtail Lavandera Cascadena Motacilla cinerea
Once beyond the road bridges on the track leading down tot he beach it was very evident how overgrown the riverbed had become; lots of lush, green shrubs and grasses so no real view of the riverbed for much of the time.  Similarly, the bamboo at the side of the track had put on a lot of growth so, often, no view at all of the riverbed.

No shortage of House Sparrows as Blackbirds continued to move back and forth across the river and then the arrival of a small flock of Spotless Starlings.  The Nightingales were still singing but also the occasional view of both Greenfinch and Goldfinch plus more Serins.  A Yellow Wagtail of the Iberian sub-species caught my eye to the left of the path as it searched the neighbouring field's new growth whilst overhead, in addition to the few Barn Swallows, a small number of Common Swifts were feeding.

Finally, I was joined by both singing Cetti's and Reed Warblers and the arrival of a small number of House Martins.  The last bird of the morning before setting off to collect Jenny was a Moorhen which finally came out from cover to swim across the narrow stretch of water below.

Birds seen:
Moorhen, Rock Dove, Collared Dove, Common Swift, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Yellow Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Blackbird, Cetti's Warbler, Reed Warbler, Nightingale, Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Serin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch.

Check out the accompanying website at http://www.birdingaxarquia.weebly.com for the latest sightings, photographs and additional information.

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