look back on 2017
of the past year as seen through the eyes of some of the members of the Axarquia Bird Group
Coursers Cursorius
cursor photographed by
Mick Richardson
On the whole, 2017was a very good year birding year
despite all the interruptions as I travelled back and forth to the UK and we
still managed to complete 9 field meetings as follows (attendance in brackets):
Guadalhorce, Malaga (2 present - but it was a very wet start)
Rio Velez, Torre del Mar (9)
[Morning only]
Charca de Suarez, Motril (15)
Guadalhorce, Malaga (10)
No meeting
Charca de Suarez & Velez de Benaudalla (16)
No meeting
No meting
Charca de Suarez (12)
Guadalhorce, Malaga (8)
Ventas de Zafarraya & Hinterland (8)
Alhambra de Granada & El Robledal (8)
From a birding perspective, there were good numbers
of participants to maximise the observation opportunities. Similarly, it was lovely to see a mixture of
long-standing and new members.
With most of us living east of Malaga City we seem
to have a limited number of venues without undertaking serious travelling. This year we missed out on Sierra Loja so
come the New Year I will send out a potential list of dates and venues and ask
you to consider what needs changing and any other sites you would like me to
add. However, I am going to be away for
about three months between April and the end of August so it may be necessary
to undertake a little juggling. As the
last couple of years I will also try and get a couple of private visits to the
Charca de Suarez on Wednesday mornings in June and September if possible.
From an individual perspective, I know that at
least four of our group maintain an
annual list of birds seen so have asked the other three to join me in
remembering their favourite birds of the year and, possibly, those individual
birds that have not been seen this year.
In addition, I have asked Steve Powell if he would, perhaps, share a few
of his wonderful photographs with us; those taken in Spain during 2017. This is not a competition with winners and
losers, just a reflection on the past year.
If other members of the group have an annual list and/or photos they
would like to share then please contact me so that I can update this summary
and send out a revised edition to all.
And having broached the idea of this “Summary” to
many I have received a number of comments so the following is becoming more of
a resume of the past year, a sort of happy reminisce. So the following is more of a personal look
back at the birding year of 2017 by a group of our members.
Species recorded in Spain: 300

Some that did not make
the top 5 but were great to see were Steppe-grey Shrike, Eider, Velvet Scoter,
Bean Goose, Brent Goose, Hudsonian Whimbrel, Red-throated Diver, Red-necked
Phalarope, Lanner, Rock Pipit and a Rook, all of which were Spanish Lifers for
On the none bird front I was also very
pleased with a guiding trip to the Andujar area where we dropped on the Lynx
and watch a stunning male down to 15 meters. On the same trip we had Red and
Fallow Deer, Rabbit, Hare, Wild Boar, Fox, Otter and Spanish Ibex.
Missed this year:
Probably the biggest misses were Long-eared and Barn Owl, Marbled Duck,
Baillon’s Crake and Woodcock.
[All photographs taken in 2017 by Mick Richardson]
& Barbara Etherton
Species recorded in Spain: 266
The year
started well, with Great Bustards, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, Golden Plover etc on
the Osuna track, all this very early in January. The month also found a
Long-tailed Duck on a golf course close to Marbella, possibly the most
photographed bird of this species.
always wanted to find Iberian Lynx, so February saw us venture to Andujar along
with friends for a 3 day hunt for this elusive creature. Success on 2
days we had smashing views of un-collared cats, exactly as nature
intended. It just also coincided with fabulous displays by both Spanish
Imperial and Golden Eagles.
Red-necked Nightjars returned earlier than usual on 'our patch', we recorded
the first couple on 26 March. Prior to that the Penduline Tits had put on
a super display in their usual reed bed.
We had UK
friends staying with us (a Southampton fan, just like you!), now Nigel is a
birder, Anne not so much, but Nigel wanted a day’s birding. Finding a
solution to keeping them both happy, marriage guidance counsellor me, I
suggested Sierra Loja. Neither had seen Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, and
what clinched it was the chance of Eagle Owl and the stunning scenery.
Well no owls on the way up, plenty of Wheatears of all persuasions and at the
top easy to find Rock Thrushes! Some of the males were so close to the
car that binoculars were hardly needed to appreciate the colouring of this
wonderful bird - happiness all round. Heading back down the mountain I
stopped in the turning circle to check the cave, more out of hope than
expectation - something’s there! Grabbing the 'scope and lo & behold
2 Little Owl chicks on the shelf - wow were we all happy. All I heard
about for the rest of the time our guests stayed was Eagle Owls!
supplied a highlight by taking the Orca cruise from Tarifa. Not just
Orca's, but Shearwaters and, possibly the bird of the year, Wilson's Storm
Petrel - witnessed by Juan Perez himself.
surprise one September morning, pre-dawn, on 'our patch' whilst looking for the
Nightjars - we 'accidentally' found a Barn Owl hunting. Not hunting as
they usually do, but this one was running and hopping along the ground chasing
large insects etc. All this captured on my dash cam! Zapata also produced
only our third sighting in Spain of Jenet, as well as Egyptian Mongoose on a
regular basis.
Sad to
miss out on Quail and Dotterel but they're not so easy at the best of times,
even a Wryneck evaded us this year.
So a
total of one better than last year - 266, but this is strictly for Andalucia
. However the real highlight for me, and Barbara, is the company we
keep when out birding. What a great bunch of regular friends join us on
our days out, sometimes longer than a day - without them it just would not be
the same - long may it continue.
& Jenny Wainwright
Always one of the stalwarts of our little group and
over the past year John and Jenny have seen just about all the local species to
be seen. A few of their favourite photographs
John’s photograph of a newly-arrived Nighjar Caprimulgus europaeus taken close to the Valverde Centre in the Donana
National Park in April.
Species recorded in Spain: 265

Both Quail and Dotterel slipped my attention this
year but that was no great surprise. And
much as I would still like to eventually add both Wallcreeper and Dupont’s Lark
to an annual Spanish list, the two big disappointments were missing out on
Spotted Redshank and that most elusive of the swift family, the Little
Swift. But I hope to rectify both in the
coming year so watch out for the coming blogs.
Clangula hyemalis near Calahonda in January
Vulture Gyps
rueppellii overhead at Tarifa in September
Lindsay Pheasant
for me was at Charca de Suarez with the Axarquia Bird Group. Water Rail followed by a Little Crake then a
beautiful Red Avadavat in full sunlight giving on to a Ferruginous Duck. Four “lifers” for me in 20 minutes! Brilliant.
Corrinne & Olly Hibbert
My special
highlights (of many for a total amateur and someone new to birdwatching in
Spain) were seeing the Purple Swamphen and the Red-knobbed Coot at Charca de
Suarez. Olly’s was being the first to see a Black-tailed Godwit (also at Charca
on one of the little floating beds) which was hidden behind other ducks/waders
(I can’t remember what they were but you took photographs at the time). Olly
was particularly pleased because (although he had no idea what it was until
Lisette also spotted it) it was very
hard to see and took some finding. So these are our highlights.
Now living back in the UK I really miss our group outings and hope on
trips back to Spain I will be able to join you again. I would
say my most satisfying sightings over there this year would be my one and only
sighting of the Spanish Imperial Eagle while on a trip to Tarifa with Bob and
Lisette. Next although a common bird in summer the Bee-eaters are a
delight, not only sighting with the group but because every year they came in
over our garden and often roosted in the valley just below us. At
Charca the two types of Waxbills was a treat and after a long drive to the top
of Maro heights where sighting of high up White-rumped
Swifts. If there is a regret for the past year it would be I
never sighted a Golden Oriole!
Marcus and Liz Roots
I would
like to include this note for 2017on a visit to Lanzarote, thought it might be
of interest.
most people have said why on earth would you visit Lanzarote, Liz and myself
had a wonderful birding visit. Not only did we see all the endemics, including
Bertholot's Pipits, which were everywhere, but also Spanish Sparrows, Iberian Grey
Shrikes, Hoopoes and Lesser Crested Larks. Wintering Spectacled Warblers were commoner
than Sardinians!
Away from
the very built-up southern shores, the northern plains are a different
prospect. The real surprise was the ease
to observe species that are difficult to see in Andulucia. Stone Curlews were seen commonly along with
Trumpeter Finches, Barbary Partridges and a few Quail. It was also good to see pure flocks of Rock
bonus were the wintering waders, Grey, Ringed and Kentish Plovers, Whimbrel, Turnstones,
Redshank and Common Sandpiper were noted on the Northern rocky shoreline Offshore many Cory's Shearwaters at late pm and
Osprey. The real gem of the visit (and
we were very lucky) were the superb Houbara Bustards, displaying! And a pair of Cream Coloured Coursers, which
we found difficult to locate. (Other
interesting birds observed included Kestrel, Raven, Egyptian Vulture, Linnets, Little
Egret, Sandwich Tern, Swallow and Pallid Swift.)
Stephen & Elena Powell
2017 was
a busy birding year which included four foreign birding trips but there were
some excellent birding highlights here in Spain. In fact the New Year got off to an excellent
start with sightings of Wryneck and Merlin at Fuente de Piedra
and at last very good and close views of the Trumpeter Finches at Cabo
de Gata. Then two other sites in particular stood out for me this year.
Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes githagineus at Cabo
de Gata
At the
superb Tablas de Daimiel we had very close and prolonged views of a Savi's
Warbler singing its heart out in the reedbed. Bearded Reedlings were
prolific and gave good photo opportunities. Other highlights include Great
Spotted Cuckoo, Roller, Bonelli's Eagle, all four Heron species, many
Great Reed Warblers and much more. We will probably visit this excellent
site every Spring.
Savis’s Warbler Locustella lusciniodes at Tablas
de Damiel
Loja was very productive this year. Summer highlights include large numbers of
breeding Rock Thrushes that proved quite easy to see and photograph. In
Winter the Ring Ouzels were prolific along with Redwings and Mistle
Thrushes all feasting on a heavy crop of hawthorn berries. Spectacled
Warbler and Montagu's Harrier were also notable sightings up here,
but no trace of the wonderful Scops Owl that I photographed in 2016.
Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus on the
Sierra Loja
notable sightings from the year were the welcome return of the Dippers
at the Rio Guadalfeo, several views of Golden Eagles in the Axarquia and
the Red-necked Nightjars in Zapata.
On a
final note I enjoyed the 100-species-in-a-day quest with Bob, Derek and Barbara
Etherton. It proved to be hard work in
the middle of September but we finally reached that magic number at dusk on the
beach at the Mouth of the Guadalhorce.
Thrush Monticola
saxatillis on the Sierra Loja
grateful thanks and appreciation to all those who have kindly let me use their
photographs and recollections of the past year.
Rallus aquaticus seen at our last
meet of the year at Alhama de Granada (PHOTO: Bob Wright)
Opportunities that may be of interest to members
Within our little group we have one of the best,
certainly, in the opinion of many, the best this side of Malaga, professional
bird guides and talking to Mick Richardson he still has a few places available
on some of his tours in 2018. In
addition, he has asked me to let members know that he is prepared to take out
small numbers, up to a maximum of 4, on private day tours at a reduced fee. Many of you will already know that not only is
Mick one of our top birders out here in Spain but also is the “turn to expert”
when thinking of dragonflies, butterflies and flowers, especially orchids.
I also have a personal contact and friend down in
Huelva province with four sets of apartments including one in Punta Umbria and
another close to the Portuguese border at Ayamonte. Marta has made a special arrangement for any
of our birders to book holidays at reduced prices that my appeal to some of
you. To help promote this new scheme I
have helped her create a basic website giving details of what is available and
the cost for a range of options from three days to two weeks.
Wildlife Tours (www.lojawildlife.com)
Tours available:
1. Day tour
for members, maximum of 4. (Contact Mick
2. Donana and
Extremadura: 28 April – 5 May (1 place left)
Pyrenees: June
For further information, costs, etc please contact
Mick Richardson at:
Email: mickbirdinginspain@gmail.com or Mobile: (0034) 670861731.
Costaluz (www.
Marta Jariod has four blocks of apartments down in
Huelva including one at Puenta Umbria which is very handy for the Odiel marshes
and Doñana and another on the Portuguese border near Ayamonte, very handy for
those who want to explore the other country in Iberia. All are of a superior
standard and those at Esuri (Ayamonte) have two bathrooms so great if
travelling with friends. Not just free
WiFi but they come with a complete kitchen and lounge so making it possible to
have a fabulous holiday f you want a change from birding – or one or more of
you not that interested in our feathered friends! Check out the “Birding Huelva” site below for
more information.
Rental costs at either Punta Umbria or Costa
3 nights: 130 Euros (per couple if in 2-bedroom apartment)
4 nights: 210 Euros (as above)
1 week (6 or 7 nights): 500 Euros (Maximum of 4 per apartment)
3 nights: 130 Euros (per couple if in 2-bedroom apartment)
4 nights: 210 Euros (as above)
1 week (6 or 7 nights): 500 Euros (Maximum of 4 per apartment)
[Note: this works out at €250 per couple for a week]
2 weeks: 790 Euros (as above) [Note: this works out at €395 per couple for a fortnight]
2 weeks: 790 Euros (as above) [Note: this works out at €395 per couple for a fortnight]
For more information visit: www.birdinghuelva.weebly.com
Or direct contact with Marta:
Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos (PHOTO: Mick Richardson)
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