Wood Sandpiper Andarrios bastardo Tringa glareola |
Wednesday 1 May
I had to go out yesterday but awoke to continuous rain so forget that. However, this morning was the only day of the week when I was promises dry weather all day and glorious sunshine so up and away by 8.30 to call in at the
Laguna Herrera before travelling on to Fuente de Piedra and Laguna Dulce. The first stop was an absolute delight without a single person being seen but then I arrived at Fuente in the late morning to find the car park full. The rest of Spain and its dog had also decided that Fuente would be a super place to spend a national holiday! Even the picnic area at Laguna Dulce was well occupied though, fortunately, no body was taking any interest in the hide overlooking the water; what a pleasant relief.
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Little Bustard Sison Comun Tetrax tetrax |
I had no sooner left the house than I had a
Woodchat Shrike on the wires quickly followed by a rapidly disappearing
Blue Rock Thrush. Next up was a male
Sardinian Warbler and then both
Collared Doves and
House Sparrows as I approached Los Romanes. Finally, before making the min road, I had a trio of
Thekla Larks so I was now well-encouraged for the drive over to Antequera, with the only major decision being which way to enter the Laguna Herrera site. With the sun immediately behind me I opted for the first entrance near the motorway and I was certainly not to be disappointed. A
Spotless Starling took of from the road side and a couple of fields along I recognised the unmistakable outline of a
Little Bustard; standing proud and surveying its territory. Lots of photos later I moved on with regular sightings of
Corn Buntings on almost every bush and post.
Barn Swallows were feeding over the fields and a
Kestrel rested atop a young olive tree. Just like the
Little Bustard, another familiar outline a couple of hundred metres further on so I stopped to confirm and photograph the
Stone Curlew. Whilst watching the bird I became aware of a number of
Blue-headed (Iberiae) Wagtails and a small number of
Calandra Larks in the same field.
Stone Curlew Alcaravan Comun Burhinus oedicnemus |
Forget the
Rock Doves, though just for a moment I thought that they might have been Stock Doves, a few metres further on I came to a flooded field and stopped for some considerable time to observe the waders present. A couple of
Wood Sandpipers led me through the undergrowth (using the scope not my feet) to reveal at least another four but also a half-dozen
Black-winged Stilts, a number of
Redshanks and
Kentish Plovers. Numerous
Barn Swallows had now been joined by some
House Martins and then I noticed the flooded field on the other side of the road, attracted to it by the
Grey Heron flying in. Yet more
Black-winged Stilts which would appear to be nesting here and a single
Greenshank along with another two
Redshanks. At the back of the water four juvenile
Flamingos were feeding. Not content with roosting in the bushes, a small number of
Barn Swallows had decided to rest up on the track itself and had been joined by at least three
Red-rumped Swallows.
Ever wondered what a Black-winged Stilt Ciguenuela Comun Himantopus himantopus does with its legs when on nest? |
Moving on tot he crossroads and turning right towards the laguna I had a couple of
Common Buzzards perched on top of the pylons but they soon made a move when they saw a vehicle coming. A distant
Hoopoe was "hooping" away as I drove along the track. At first there seemed little on the water itself apart from a number of
Black-headed Gulls and a handful of
Mallards. Then the first of a quartet of
Great Crested Grebes quickly followed by the arrival of the noisy
Gull-billed Terns. A
Little Grebe was seen towards the centre of the water whilst, on the wires above me, a number of
Bee-eaters were seeking out where to find their morning breakfast. A few
Moorhen waddled across the track and I moved on to turn the car round in the gate entrance overlooking the drain. Taking the scope only I set it up to check out the end of the laguna an promptly flushed a
Purple Heron. A very determined bird this for it spent the rest of the time trying to attract my attention by regularly landing where I wanted to go!
Purple Heron Garza Imperial Ardea purpurea |
Stonechat flew out and perched at the side of the track and then the
Gull-billed Terns returned with a vengeance nut with them, they brought a single
Black Tern which was very nice from my point of view. However, best of all, whilst looking in the scope a magnificent male
Montagu's Harrier cam quartering along the hedge at the top of the track and almost flew straight into me so busy was he on concentrating his mind on the next meal. I am still not too sure who was the most surprised, me or the harrier! Back to the car to get the camera in the hope that the
Monty would return - and he did but not as close as the first time.
Gull-billed Terns Pagaza Piconegra Sterna nilotica at work and at rest |

By now the sun was well and truly up in the sky and the
Common Swifts had decided it was time to go out to feed as they arrived by the score. Departing the laguna to head up the long track to pick up the motorway at the next junction, I had first a couple of
Goldfinches, then
Blackbirds and a single
Common Sandpiper in the adjacent ditch. A
Woodchat Shrike posed on a signpost. The vegetation alongside the ditch was alive with more
Yellow Wagtails of the
Flava iberiae race.
Female Yellow Wagtail Lavandera Boyera of the Iberian race (Motacilla flava iberiae) |
As previously mentioned,
Fuente de Piedra was alive with visitors, a mixture of family groups and larger parties. On the the hand, I did actually record 31 species here in what, for me, was somewhat of a whirlwind tour of the edges and laguneta at the back of the Visitors' Centre. The water on the pool to the left of the entrance road has almost disappeared now but there were numerous waders to be seen - and, fortunately, nobody else had stopped here so I had the water to myself. Lots of
Black-winged Stilts and
Redshank but also a good number of both
Dunlin and
Ringed Plovers. Closer inspection also revealed a small party of
Curlew Sandpipers and
Little Stints but, possibly most numerous of all, were the
Wood sandpipers where I quickly counted about seventeen.
Curlew Sandpipers Correlimos Zarapitin Calidris ferruginea feeding up before departure north |

many people on the far side of the causeway so I restricted myself to
standing on the bridge to see if anything else was present apart from
the handful of
Black-winged Stilts that I could see. Another
Wood Sandpiper on the road side and three
Kentish Plovers on the water side of the bridge. Plus a family of cyclists who road across and almost took me and my bins into the drink!
Avocet Avoceta Comun Recurvirostra avosetta at Fuente de Piedra |
The hide at the back was not much better as what seemed like a Spanish teacher gave forth for the benefit of all and sundry in her piercing voice, whether or not they wanted to hear! I stayed long enough to check out the water for
Avocets, both
Common and
Red-crested Pochards and a couple of
Little Grebes. There ware also a small number of Black-headed Gulls and the occasional
Gull-billed Tern paid a short visit; perhaps they also heard the Spanish teacher! However, I did also see a single
Whiskered Tern before moving in to the smaller hide where all that was revealed was a
Moorhen and a
Common Sandpiper.
Lots of Greater Flamingos Flamenco Comun Phoenicopterus roseus about an many showing signs of departure |
The pool below the Visitors' Centre contained, in addition to yet more
Flamingos, a good number of
Avocets and a few
Moorhens plus a single
Greenshank. The same round the corner where the flooded field opposite the footpath exit has now all but dried up but there was a single
Cattle Egret present. More walkers at the
Laguna Vicaria but in the field opposite the car park a single
Lapwing was seen. The
Laguna Cantarranas was equally disappointing with the sun now in the wrong direction form a viewing point of view but, at least, I had added
Crested Lark as I drove along the road in addition to even more
Corn Buntings. Lots more
Flamingos but, as I drove out of the car park I noticed a white "blob" in one of the trees down at the bottom of the bank on my right. A good job I did stop and made the effort of setting up the scope as the white blob turned out to be a resting
Black-winged Kite! Was that or was that not a great sight for sore eyes.
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A handsome Black-necked Grebe Zampullin Cuelinegro Podiceps nigricollis at Laguna Dulce |
And so on to the
Laguna Dulce where I was able to add a single male
White-headed Duck, a lovely female
Marsh Harrier and a a three pairs of
Black-necked Grebes to the day's list. A quick visit to the neighbouring lagunas of
Redonda and
Capacete respectively produced
Coots with young and another
Gull-billed Tern but, at the latter, I also had a pair of
Turtle Doves. And so back to the main Campillos to Antequera road and as I traversed the track to avoid driving through the town the now much-reduced flooded field produced five
Little Egrets to go with the half-dozen
Black-winged Stilts. A good morning's birding with a final tally of
59 species.
Other birds photographed included:
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Kentish Plover Chorlitejo Patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus seen from the causeway at Fuente de Piedra |
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One of many Redshank Archibebe Comun Tringa totanus seen during the morning |
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Resting Barn Swallow Golondrina Comun Hirundo rustica |
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Woodchat Shrike Alcaudon Comun Lanius senator |
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Numerous Corn Buntings Triguero Emberiza calandra |
.... and not forgetting the large number of dragonflies seen:
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Scarlet Darter (Broad Darter) Crocothemis erythraea |
Birds seen:
Mallard, Red-crested Pochard, Pochard, White-headed Duck, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Grey Heron, Purple Heron, Flamingo, Black-winged Kite, Marsh Harrier, Montagu's Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel, Moorhen, Coot, Little Bustard, Black-winged Stilt, Avocet, Stone Curlew, Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Lapwing, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Dunlin, Redshank, Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Black-headed Gull, Gull-billed Tern, Whiskered Tern, Black Tern, Rock Dove, Turtle Dove, Collared Dove, Swift, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Calandra Lark, Crested Lark, Thekla Lark, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Red-rumped Swallow, Iberian Yellow Wagtail, Stonechat, Blackbird, Sardinian Warbler, Woodchat Shrike, Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Serin, Goldfinch, Corn Bunting.
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