Friday 31 May
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Sleepy Garganey Cerceta Carretona Anas querquedula |
With a dozen of us up in Extremadura for the first week and myself and others away for much of the rest of the month, the June meeting of the
Axarquia Bird Group was held at the
Guadalhorce, Malaga on the last day of May, what you might call "June's Eve" or even, being the day before June 1st, June 0th! A beautiful sunny morning with not a cloud in the sky as we set off for the reserve with a final group of thirteen members present for most or part of the morning including Pat and Eric Lyon, Marcus and Liz Rootes, Lesley Laver, Ian Kirk, Ellie Wallbank from Marbella, visiting and welcome back Ian Templeton from Fuengirola, Patrick Raines from Canillas de Albaida with his two small grandchildren, met up at the
Laguna Escondida, James Moore, Dan Wilkinson and Brian Green from Triana, my friend Andy Paterson from Torremolinos and myself. Indeed, along the way we also came across Micky Smith and the ever-present Ted Lord so loads of birders about this morning, which was more than could be said for the birds! We may only have recorded
50 species but what a selection; it really was a case of quality rather than quantity.
Latest news from Pat to inform me that not only did I miss the Zitting Cisticola seen by James and others but I also managed not to record both the Blackbird and House Sparrow seen by she, Eric and neighbours in the hide. So unless any further responses come in, it looks like we eventually reached the magic 50 mark.
Lots of White-headed Ducks Malvasia Cabeciblanca Oxyura leucocephala now in residence |
Setting off from the church in
Guadalmar we had a single
Jackdaw pass over plus a few
Collared Doves then on and up to the river. Here we had many feeding
Barn Swallows and
House Martins accompanied by even more
Swifts, mainly
Pallid at the beginning but soon we were seeing both
Pallid and
Common Swifts. The message came from Micky about a rather special duck on the
Laguna Cassilas so we were up and running and upon arrival were delighted to find a single male
Garganey along with a number of
White-headed Ducks, very many
Common Pochards plus the odd
Mallard. Not to be outdone, there were also
Coots and
Moorhens to be seen, the latter with a couple of very young chicks. A
Red-rumped Swallow flew over the water and, in the reeds on the far bank, one of the resident
Black-headed Weavers was seen gathering nesting material. Finally, before moving on tot he Wader Pool, a pair of
Gadwall put in an appearance along with a
Little Bittern that did its best to entertain those present and watching from the hide.
Ringed Plover Chorl;itejo Grande Charadrius hiaticula above and Kentish Plover Chorlitejo Patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus below |

At the
Wader Pool a small number of
Black-winged Stilts, most seemed to be sitting on nests on or near the Laguna Grande, along with a couple of
Redshank, a
Little Ringed Plover and three
Ringed Plovers. At one time or another, a total of three
Little Egrets wee present and in the distant trees that separated the pool from the Laguna Grande, a small number of
Bee-eaters. Below the hide the occasional
Goldfinch and
Greenfinch were seen along with a
Sardinian Warbler and a very obscured sight of a single
Greenshank through Eric's scope.
Lots of Avocets Avoceta Comun Recurvirostra avosetta to be seen this morning |
Moving to the
Rio Viejo (the Old River) produced far more activity with many
Black-winged Stilts and, probably, at least twenty-five
Avocets. A handful of
Redshank along with a small number of
Little Ringed,
Ringed and
Kentish Plover plus at least five
Grey Plovers lifted the wader tally and then another couple of "rafts" with over a dozen
Sanderling, most in summer plumage, a few
Dunlin, a single
Curlew Sandpiper and two
Little Stints to add to our delight. On the other hand, the sad sight of the injured
Spoonbill which appeared to have a broken leg, or even a foot missing, was not the best way to record this delightful bird. However, there was more excitement to be had as first we found a nearby resting
Whiskered Tern and then to our left on a sandy island a single
Collared Praticole. As we left a quartet of raucous
Monk Parakeets passed overhead and, on looking up, we also recorded a few
Yellow-legged Gulls.
This Goldfinch Jilguero Carduelis carduelis waited until the last possible second before moving away |
Reaching the
Sea Watch the water looked quite inviting and even the fishermen on the beach were dressed in minimal attire. Just when we had concluded that there was nothing at all to be seen, up cam the sight of twenty-five
Common Scoters, including at least two adult males. It is amazing to see these dark "blobs" gently drifting on the water and then, suddenly, a mass dive before all returns to normal once more. As we left the viewpoint, the party split into half with the choice being beach or returning the way we had come. A rather large and lovely female
Common Kestrel rose in front of us to bis us farewell and I joined the "return route" group. Good job, too, for on reaching the
Wader Pool we had a good, albeit distant, view of a single
Roller in the top of a bare tree at the back of
Laguna Grande. What a sight and what was that doing here? First a
Collared Pratincole and now another bird that ought to have been long gone. At this rate, there are going to be no new birds to see in Extremadura next week!
The distant Roller Carraca Europea Coracias garrulus passing through the site |
Meeting up with the "Beach Party" at the
Laguna Escondida we discovered that they had seen a
Sand Martin whilst walking the beach. Very little on the water itself but we did add a
Little Grebe and picked up more
White-headed Ducks. So, finally, to the main hide overlooking the
Laguna Grande. What a quiet water this turned out to be with just the occasional
White-headed Duck and
Black-winged Stilt. But, after a short while, we did find a resting
Whiskered Tern plus a single
Black-headed Gull and a lone
Slender-billed Gull. Amongst the feeding swifts we suddenly saw two feeding
Collared Pratincoles in the sky. Matters were not helped when the two wardens present upon our arrival informed us that had we been ten minutes earlier we could have had a clear view of a
Golden Oriole in the trees to the left below the tall feeding pole. Always the ten-minute rule!
Slender-billed Gull Gaviota Picofina Larius genei |
So, time to call it a day and make our way back to the cars but, as we walked down the track towards the footbridge a rather splendid
Booted Eagle drifted over to say goodbye. I wonder what the
July meeting will bring when next we meet at the
Rio Velez on
Thursday the 18th?
A Booted Eagle Aguililla Calzada Hieraaetus pennatus to see us on our way home |
Birds seen (until informed otherwise):
Gadwall, Mallard, Garganey, Pochard, Common Scoter, White-headed Duck, Little Grebe, Little Egret, Spoonbill, Little Bittern, Booted Eagle, Kestrel, Moorhen, Coot, Black-winged Stilt, Avocet, Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Grey Plover, Redshank, Greenshank, Sanderling, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Dunlin,Collared Pratincole, Slender-billed Gull, Black-headed Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Whiskered Tern, Rock Dove, Collared Dove, Monk Parakeet, Common Swift, Pallid Swift, Roller, Bee-eater, Sand Martin, Barn Swallow, House Martin, Red-rumped Swallow, Blackbird, Zitting Cisticola, Sardinian Warbler, Jackdaw, Spotless Starling, Greenfinch, House Sparrow, Goldfinch.
Photos from James Moore
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Greenfinch Verderon Comun Carduelis chloris |
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Female Common Kestrel Cernicalo Vulgar Falco tinnunculus |
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Departing Little Egret Garceta Comun Egretta garzetta |
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The diminutive Zitting Cisticola Buitron Cisticola juncidis |
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