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Cranes Grulla Grus grus in flight |
Thursday 20 December
Not a cloud in the blue sunny sky when we set off from the Axarquia area for the last 2012 field trip of the
Axarquia Bird Group at Fuente de Piedra this morning but, upon arrival, a complete cloud cover but very still and calm.. It was lovely to see so many friends in attendance with the final tally being seventeen - obviously we had either all completed our Christmas shopping or we were going to give it a miss this year! For myself, I was rapidly going down hill with a heavy cold and very sore throat so even more miserable than usual. Indeed, leaving Fuente to take our guests to both Cordoba and Sevilla for a couple of nights the condition rapidly deteriorated but, thankfully, feeling much better now as back at
Casa Collado and well enough to tackle writing up the blog. Looking back, it was a really productive morning with well over sixty species recorded, see list at end, and now await the first email to let me know what I have forgotten!
I think Andy Paterson may have been first to arrive and he was greeted driving down the entry road by a low-flying
Merlin crossing his bows like a Scud missile on operation breakfast. Do these lovely, lithe little death machines ever rise above ten metres? Next up were probably John and Jenny Wainwright who managed to find the
Ruff on the pool next to the boardwalk whereas the rest of us had to wait until we were actually departing the site. Mick Richardson was probably a few minutes late but he had travelled over via the Laguna Herrera which held a good assortment of species in very wet and muddy conditions - the site that is, not the birds! Liz and Marcus Rootes along with Bryan Stapley were present from Competa area and it was good to see Eric and Pat Lyon back with us along with their new, four-legged, addition to the family. Yet another welcome returnee following a lengthy spell back in the UK was Malcolm and Susan Austin from Lake Vinuela. Always good to have Janet and David from relatively nearby Antequera with us which just left Jenny and I plus our guests from Northamptonshire, England, Gordon and Sylvia Lerigo. What they must have made of us all I have no idea but they certainly enjoyed the experience and had a chance to meet many of our friends and see what we get up to in Spain.
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A small selection of the Cranes Grulla Grus grus opposite the Mirador Cantarranas |
Introductions completed all round it was time to head off for the
Mirador and take a general look over the main laguna and nearby pools. Thousands of
Flamingos on the main water and good-sized flocks of
Gulls (mainly
Black-headed and
Yellow-legged with a fair smattering of
Lesser Black-backs thrown in for good measure) and
Shelduck were recorded. We had already recorded
Teal on the flooded field as we entered and now we found more on the small pool ion front along with
Mallards and
Shovelers. Good numbers of
Moorhens and
Coots along with
Black-winged Stilts and there seemed to have been a fresh influx of
White Wagtails to the area judging by the numbers seen. Regular view of
Kestrel kept us occupied but the arrival of the first
Marsh Harrier of the day certainly livened up the scene. Similarly, every bush seemed to contain at least one feeding
Chiffchaff and
Sardinian Warbler was also seen.
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Yet more Cranes Grulla Comun Grus grus |
A closer inspection of the fringe areas recorded both
Little and
Black-necked Grebes with
Meadow Pipits moving about in the grasses. The regular passage of flocks of
Spotless Starlings also produced the occasional
Common Starling (the latter having already noted the extremely wet conditions back in Britain so deciding that southern Spain was a better option for Christmas!) and, of course, you did not have to look to hard to find either
Collared or
Rock Dove. Eventually, having watched a small number of
Lapwing fly across the front of the main water, we also managed to see the first
Jackdaw of the day.
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Song Thrush Zorzal Comun Turdus philomelos |
The walk round to the laguneta at the back of the
Visitors Centre produced not only a small number of
Gadwall but at least four
Tufted Duck. A few
Pochard were added to the list. On the way to the hide, first
Greenfinch and
Serin but then, when watching a very active
Dartford Warbler, at least four
Song Thrushes put in an appearance, posing very nicely on top of the bushes to give good vies, albeit against the light. Lots of
rabbits about but no Egyptian Mongoose on this occasion.
An interesting walk over the boardwalk and along the far path produced first a
Cattle Egret followed by a number of
Reed and
Corn Buntings but then, amidst the small flock of
House Sparrows we had some rather attractive
Spanish Sparrows. This was also the area to pick up some handsome male
Stonechats. Other species recorded included a small flock of
Sky Larks and
Linnets. A
Little Egret flew over as we returned towards the boardwalk.
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Distant Tufted Duck Porron Monudo Aythya fuligula on the Launeta at Fuente de Piedra |
Time to circumnavigate the laguna and no sooner had we left the site, first stopping to admire the lone Ruff now on the flooded field on the right along with the
Black-winged Stilts and a single
Snipe, than the early cars had views of a pair of
Avocets, a small flock of
Stone Curlews and a at least twenty
Golden Plover to the left. For some of us, we had to be content with the resting
Buzzard on top of a nearby pylon. Indeed, I was led to believe that the
Stone Curlews were only seen as a result of stopping to admire a
Southern Grey Shrike.
Stone Curlews Alcaravan Burhinus oedicnemus (John Waniwright) |
No sooner had we taken the left turn to follow the lake than we had our first
Cranes of the day. The more you looked the more you saw and by the time we had reached the farm to turn back towards the village we must have recorded at least four hundred individuals. The
Mirador Cantarranas produced a number of
Marsh Harriers and at least three, well hidden,
Purple Swamphens. A flock of a dozen
Wood Larks was most pleasing in addition to the occasional
Crested Lark on the other side of the road as we continued to watch the
Cranes. Yet another
Blackcap to add to those seen near the
Visitors Centre and it was time to ignore the
Flamingos and mixed ducks to start the return leg to the village which produced first a
Raven and then a
Little Owl sitting happily on a stone at the side of the road and, amongst the good-sized flock of
Chaffinches at least a couple of
Bramblings were identified. Some having noted
Red-legged Partridge on the road and yet another
Robin, the final bird seen before reaching the bar restaurant for lunch was an over-flying female
Hen Harrier to take, I think, the grand total to
64 species - at the moment. And I have a sneaky feeling that somebody mentioned both Black Redstart and a singing Cetti's Warbler so still time to amend the final total within the next few days! Yep, they did! So that now makes 66 species for the day!
Little Owl Mochuelo Athene noctua (Jenny wainwright) |
After our lunch, John and Jenny Wainwright drove over to the
Laguna Dulce to where Mick had already travelled on (picking up
Red-crested Pochard) whilst we made our way to Cordoba recording many
Buzzards and
Ravens on the way. Having struggled to get a good view of the
Purple Swamphen, a well-exposed individual was seen wandering along a scrubby island below the road bridge over the Guadalquivir whilst
Grey Herons rested a the side and
Cormorants flew over. By the time we returned on Saturday evening we had also added
Hoopoe and
Red Kite so a very enjoyable three days despite not feeling too well.
A very peaceful Christmas and a most happy and healthy New Year to all readers. May 2013 be an even better birding year.
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Purple Swamphen Calamon Comun Porphyrio porphyrioon the Guadalquivir at Cordoba |
Birds seen:
Shelduck, Gadwall, Mallard, Shoveler, Teal, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Red-legged Partridge, Little Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Flamingo, Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel, Merlin, Moorhen, Purple Swamphen, Coot, Crane, Black-winged Stilt, Avocet, Stone Curlew, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Ruff, Snipe, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Rock Dove, Collared Dove, Little Owl, Crested Lark, Wood Lark, Sky Lark, Meadow Pipit, White Wagtail, Robin, Black Redstart, Stonechat, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Cetti's Warbler, Dartford Warbler, Sardinian Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Southern Grey Shrike, Jackdaw, Raven, Common Starling, Spotless Starling, House Sparrow, Spanish Sparrow, Chaffinch, Brambling, Serin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Reed Bunting and Corn Bunting.